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If the reason they took the others are still there or if there are other reasons you are found unfit to be a parent, yes they can.

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Q: Can Ohio children services take custody of a child when its first born if they already have custody of your children?
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What can you do to get custody of your son when the custodial parent spanked him way too hard and left a very bad bruise?

== == you report that to child protective services. if there is a visible bruise they will shelter the child with you the non custodial parent. that would be the time to petition family court for custody of the child because child protective services has already taken the child from him,it would be more likely that you will get it .

Can the Division of Family and Child Services take your child if you already have 6 in DFACS custody?

You haven't provided any details. Generally, if the conditions that resulted in the loss of custody still exist the answer is yes. Especially if the prior findings involve abuse and/or neglect.

Can a murder suspect have custody of child?

The very basic answer is yes. Being a suspect is not the same as being formally charged or found guilty. However, there can be a lot of variables. If a judge, family, or children's services feel the child is at risk, there is a chance that custody can be taken away, put in protective custody, or custody can be put on a supervised basis.

Why would a birth mother be getting served papers from her kids uncle if she hasn't had custody for 7 yrs?

If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.If he has custody of the children he may be petitioning the court for a child support order against the mother.

Can social services take another child off you when they have already took children off you in past?

The answer is not in the number of children that have been removed by social services; but rather how well you are taking care of any child in your care. If social services determines that you still have not mastered the basics of child care, then they will continue to remove children from your care.

Who is the patron saint of child custody?

There are patron saints of children or orphans or social workers but no patron saint of child custody.

How would a stepmother get custody of husbands child if he was incarcerated but has joint custody of him?

She would have to petition the court to be appointed the temporary guardian. If the biological mother has joint custody or is available to take the children the custody will automatically go to her unless she has already been deemed unfit or consents to the guardianship.

If my child father is deceased and I don't have full custody of our kids do I have to pay child support?

You may have to pay child support to the one who has custody of your children.

When a parent has had custody of minor children for 6 months and files for custody and the other parent files a counter suit in another state which suit wins jurisdiction?

It would depend on the reason. If the parent who filed custody over the six month old child from a divorce, but the other parent files a counter suit for the "safety" of the child, then the judge would have to look more into the case because the other parent had already, as it seems from your question, won custody. If nothing is found then the child remains with the custody holder. But, if something is found then the child will be handed over to the parent who filed the counter suit OR will be sent to child services. It literally depends on the case. Sorry.

How do you get custody of your child who has been abused by her mother?

If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.

How much child support will I get for 4 children in divorce?

Will you have custody or not?

What is the Indian Child Welfare Act?

In the USA, the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 set forth standards and regulations for the the jurisdiction of custody matters of Native American Children as they relate to public child protective services issues.