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Q: Can I serve a 3 day notice because the tenant put a lock on the door and I have no accss?
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What options are available if a tenant refuses access to the landlord to perform repairs to dwelling?

First, the landlord has to give written notice to the tenant. Verbal notice really doesn't count. Also, the notice should indicate a specific time. If the tenant refuses, LL can go to court to ask for an injunctive order of entry. If it turns out that the tenant is causing serious damage, LL could ask the judge to order the tenant out, although this is severe. LL can also serve a full-rental-period notice-to quit, then prosecute an eviction after it expires.

As a landlord in Indianapolis how can I collect rent from a tenant who is one and a half months late and won't return my calls?

First, serve a Notice to Quit.

What ways can an eviction notice be served to a tenant?

a land lord can serve you at any time with an eviction notice for non-payment of rent, vandalism, criminal acts and too many people and animals on his/her property. Normally they will give you 14 to 30 days to vacate, be prepared for a judgement against you, this will arrive with a bailiff and or a member of the police.

Advice on Evicting a Tenant who lost Section 8?

If they pay the rent, maybe you don't care. If they don't, serve a "notice to quit for non-payment of rent." The duration of the notice depends on your state laws.

When can a landlord serve aThree-Day Notice to Perform Covenant or Quit?

A landlord can serve a Three-Day Notice to Perform Covenant or Quit when a tenant has violated a significant term of the lease agreement, such as not paying rent, causing property damage, or engaging in illegal activities on the premises. This notice gives the tenant three days to either correct the violation or vacate the property. After the three days, the landlord can proceed with legal eviction proceedings if the tenant has not complied.

Can an eviction notice simply be handed to a tenant without going through a court process?

This depends on the state in which you reside. And it depends on what you mean by an eviction notice. In most states, before an eviction can be filed in court, a notice has to be given to the tenant -- normally three to five days -- by hand, asking the tenant to pay his rent or to move. If the tenant doesn't pay his rent by that time then you may begin to file eviction proceedings. Once you do this, only the sheriff's office, Constable, etc. of your jurisdiction may serve an official notice, thereto known as a summons for eviction, to which the tenant must respond by following the instructions on the front page.

What happens if a tenant given a 60 day notice refuses to pay?

The landlord could commence an eviction for nonpayment of rent. In most states, he would serve a notice to quit for nonpayment of rent, often for 14 days.

How do you evict a tenant in Massachusetts who was left in the house after a divorce?

The divorce has nothing to do with the landlord-tenant relationship. And, if there is a lease, and the rent is getting paid, there is no reason to evict. If the rent is in arrears, the landlord should serve the tenant a 14-day notice to quit, then (if needed) buy a summons and complaint from a court and have it served by a constable.

In California is it legal for a landlord to serve a tenant with a final warning before eviction notice stating that there is to be absolutely no noise or talking after 10?

Not exactly. The tenant is allowed peaceful enjoyment of the premises under the law. They also have a duty to not be disruptive to others. A tenant who is receiving a final warning before eviction is well advised to make absolutely no noise after 10PM because they clearly must change their ways.

In the State of Florida what is the process to get someone out of your home who is not a tenant does not pay rent is not a relative or a friend?

The process is the same for any tenant the landlord wants to evict. First the tenant must be served a 30-day notice if the rent is month-to-month, even if the "tenant" has not paid one penny towards their rent (if you agreed to let them live there rent-free) When the 30-day notice has expired you must then file eviction proceedings. First you must serve a three-day notice stating that they must pay their rent or move out. When that notice has expired you must then file a petition or complaint for eviction. Each state has their own process by which this must be done. In Florida you must file the petition with the county court's clerk's office. A summons will then be served upon the tenant by a sheriff's deputy and the tenant must follow the directions on the Summons regarding how to answer their Summons.

What can can be done if a tenant doesn't pay his rent and it turns out that the tenant is an illegal alien?

The landlord should serve a notice to quit for non-payment of rent. The fact that the tenant is an alien has nothing to do with the landlord. The landlord who brings it up in court is a fool - the obvious question is, why did the landlord not act on that information before? Waiting to use that information in court is completely disingenous.

What is penalty for not paying rent in MA?

There's no such thing as a penalty. If a tenant fails to pay rent, the landlord can serve a Notice to Quit on the day after the rent is due. On the fifteenth day, if the tenant has not paid, the landlord can have a Summons and Complaint served by a constable, which sets up a court date about three weeks later. If the tenant has gotten a Notice to Quit for nonpayment in the previous 12 months, he cannot cure the notice, and the landlord can have a Summons served 15 days after that second notice, regardless of whether the tenant ever paid. If you are referring to a late fee, Massachusetts law only allows a late fee after 30 days. There is no limit on the late fee (except common sense), but it must be articulated in a written rental agreement.