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Unless you have an easement across the property to access the creek AND pump the water, you HAVE to be trespassing on the other person's land which is a criminal offense. Before doing so, approach the other property owner and ask for permission, or you could find yourself in a lot of legal trouble.

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Q: Can I pump water from a creek on someone else's property it its been there for 20 plus years?
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Have a creek that runs through your property that has been water for our livestock for years now the people down stream are blocking it off and our creek is dry can we do anything about this?

Unfortunately, no. The creek for your neighbors down stream runs through their property and they have every right to do what they want with it. You are going to have to dig a well to get water to your livestock, even though it will cost a bit to do, depending on where you live and how for down you have to drill for water. Unless you can find out why they blocked the creek off and negotiate with them to have it flowing again.

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