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Q: Can IRS levy IRA of deceased individual for back taxes owed?
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Difference between bond issue vs tax levy?

A bond is a formal secured debt contract to repay borrowed money with interest.A tax levy is paid by an individual or a business to payoff back taxes, like wage garnishment, wage levy, bank levy. The IRS issues wage garnishments and bank levies on taxpayers who owe back taxes or have not filed their tax returns. When a tax levy is issued, the taxpayer has options and rights to resolve their tax problem and release or stop the levy.

Who is responsible for paying taxes of the deceased?

His estate...which is actually him continued after death for business purposes. I have received a tax levy in my deceased husband old business account from 2004 Am I responsible

Why does IRS garnish wages?

When you owe the IRS back taxes, the IRS has to follow collection due process to collect your taxes. They start by sending you balance due notices and work up to levy notices. If you do not respond to them, the IRS will issue a wage levy, 668w, to your employer to collect your back taxes. You can stop a levy by getting into a resolution on your back taxes. Visit my blog at for information about the collections due process and resolutions.Wally

What does a notice of levy do?

A notice of levy is a notification to a debtor that a creditor has applied to a court for permission to levy the debtors assets. A notice of levy can also come from the Internal Revenue Service if there are any back taxes owed.

Can the government levy taxes on churches?

The government cannot levy taxes on churches. Churches do not have to pay taxes to the government; they are tax exempt.

What two levels of government can levy taxes?

State and FederalThere are far more than two levels of government that can levy taxes. Several different Government Agencies can also levy taxes. Federal, State, and Cities, are some of the levels that can levy income taxes alone.

What does it mean to levy taxes?

To apply taxes. To have taxes on certain goods.

Can the IRS take your workmans comp payout to pay back taxes?

No. Workman's Compensation is exempt from levy.

What branch can levy taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service can levy taxes on people and organizations. In fact, as a citizen you are expected to pay taxes for your entire life.

How do you use the word LEVY in a sentence?

Levy further taxes at risk! Levy could be a family name.

The president has the power to levy taxes?

Only Congress can levy taxes. The President, through the IRS (a branch of the Treasury Dept.) collects the taxes.

Can the president levy taxes?
