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The courts issued restraining orders at the request of the party who requests it. If that petitioner then turns around and WILLINGLY weds the respondant it would appear to nullify, by their own choice, the court order.

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Q: Can 2 people get married if the court ordered a restraining orde?
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If you have a restraining order on someone do you still need to appear in court if your summons and they are there?

Yes. If you are ordered to appear in a court, you must appear no matter what.

Can a mother keep a child from their father with a court order?

If she has a restraining order, she can. If instead this means he has court ordered access, she still can until he takes her back to court to enforce. see links below

How do you protect myself against his ex wife if you get married?

If you feel that his ex-wife is or will be a threat to you, you should seek professional advice and assistance such as speaking to a lawyer where you can get a restraining order. Otherwise, you can't keep someone away from you unless it is court ordered.

What is a dov restraining order?

I think you mean a DV restraining order: It is a domestic violence restraining order. It is a court order that can help protect people from abuse.

If you are married who has custody of the child?

both until court ordered otherwise

If you are court ordered to never go anywhere near your child or you are not allowed to visit him do you still have to pay child support?

Yes, but why the restraining order. Message me.

Why should i attend a restraining order hearing if i don't want to go near the person that filed it?

Because - if you are summoned to a court of law to answer for your actions, or hear the outcome of a judgement, you mustattend - or face arrest ! The restraining order will not be enforced in the court, since you have been legally ordered by the judge to be in the presence of the complainant.

How can a person get a rescinded restraining order concealed from public record?

Unless the file is ordered "sealed" by the judge, you cannot. There is no provision for expunging court files - they are a permanent record.

Are restraining orders public record in nebraska?

ALL court proceedings EVERYWHERE are public record.Added: With the exception of some juvenile courts, and some records that are specifically ordered sealed.

Can you go before judge and ask for restraining order on person who ordered it on you?

For what reason? Retaliation? The person who was granted a restraining order against you, is governed by the same provisions as you are. NEITHER YOU, NOR THE OTHER PARTY can break the order's stipulations without being subject to court action.

Can someone that put a restraining order on you be in violation of that order?

Yes, they can. For instance: if you are resticted to mantaining your distance from them, or restrained from contacting them by phone - yet THEY commit these acts themselves, they too are in violation of the court's order.

Can you get married by the court if you have a restrain order?

Yes. A restraining order simply prohibits you from coming into contact with a specific person. As long as you remain the required distance from the petitioner, you are free to go about your life as usual, including getting married, buying and selling property, going to work, etc. Of course, if you are asking about marrying the person who petitioned the court for the restraining order in the first place, that would be impossible, as you cannot get married to someone without being in contact with them.