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It is settled principle of law that the prosecution has to stand on its own legs and merely on the levelling of allegation of committing a heinous offence; it is not duty of the court that one should have been convicted at all costs. The benefit of a doubt, if arises from the evidence on the record, even of a slightest nature has to go to the accused and merely weakness of the defence version or non-proving thereof cannot be used for the benefit of the prosecution, which failed to establish its version through the evidence of unimpeachable character.

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Q: Benefit of Doubt in criminal law?
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The doubt. The doubt. The doubt.

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Benefit of the Doubt was created in 1967.

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The duration of Benefit of the Doubt is 3600.0 seconds.

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What does the benefit of the doubt mean?

Sometimes, in the absense of good evidence that contradicts him, it is ok to accept as true something that someone says. You give him the benefit of the doubt. If he proves himself to be untrustworthy, you would not be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt in the future.

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