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The beer alcohol content varies according to state laws. Each state has the jurisdiction to determine the legal amount for their area.

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Q: Beer alcohol content by state
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What is the alcohol content of beer for the state of New Mexico?

In New Mexico there is no limit on the alcohol content of beer.

Shouldn't all beer bottles show their alcohol content?

This depends on the state the beer is being sold in. States govern beer labels and what must be printed on them, as label declarations of alcohol content in beer is not a Federal law.

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What is the alcohol content of beer in Iowa?

The alcohol content of beer in Iowa is 5.8%. This is considered the national average for percent of alcohol in beer. Many states offer a lower content beer that has only 3.2% alcohol.

What is the alchol content of Busch beer?

Busch beer has an alcohol content of 4.6 percent.

What alcohol content is beer in Texas?

It's probably the same as in any other state :) For a comprehensive list of beer alcohol contents check out

Who determines if the alcohol content of a beer appears on the label?

That is determined by state and federal laws.

What is the alcohol content of beer in Arkansas?

The alcohol content of beer in Arkansas is limited to 6% ABV (alcohol by volume) for most beers, with exceptions for certain specialty and high gravity beers.

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Since root beer is a soft drink there is no alcohol in it.

What is Alcohol content of La'batts blue beer?

Labatt's Blue has a 5% alcohol content.

What is the alcohol content of beer in Texas?

The alcohol content of beer in Texas is around 6.0-percent. Domestic Texas beers are around 4.0-percent. The alcoholic content of beer in Texas is measured by volume.

What is the alcohol content in beer in TN?

Depends upon the beer. Beer can vary in alcohol content from .05% up to 20.5%. Most typical beers run around 4.5%.