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Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours. "In Fairbanks, there is no law regarding the appropriate age a child can be left home alone. Therefore, it is up to the parent to make an informed decision based on the child's level of maturity and past evidence of responsible behavior and good judgment." There are very few states in the U.S. with legal minimum ages for children home alone, but many state agencies have published guidelines. Georgia, Illiniois, Maryland and Oregon are a few of the states with specific ages specified in their laws.

12 years of age appears to be the most common recommendation. Below in Related Links is an article entitled Home Alone Children Legal Age Limits which provides one guideline from a California agency representative who suggests that 8 year olds and over can be left at home for up to several hours (usually after school before a parent gets home from work). This site also provides a state by state comparison with references.

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16y ago
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16y ago

How old are the kids? You shouldn't leave a seven to nine year old in charge of younger children. The problem isn't that they are alone. It's from neighbors who complain because a child went outside without clothes on. Or the kids did something that made a neighbor mad enough to call police. You have to be able to trust your kids not to cause trouble for you. The decision to leave your child home alone is a very personal decision that needs to be made based on your feelings and experience with your child. Washington State does not have any laws or rules that say at what age a child can be left home alone. In general, children under 10 should not be left on their own, and babies and younger children should not be left alone even for a few minutes. Here are some questions to ask your self before you leave your child home alone. Does your child feel at all frightened or apprehensive about staying home alone?

Does your child follow your instructions and your rules?

Can you count on your child to tell you the truth?

Can your child be counted on to stay clearheaded in an unexpected or emergency situation?

Can you child calmly dial 911, give their full name (and yours), street address and phone number, and explain the situation?

You might feel most comfortable starting out leaving your child alone for short periods of time. Go slowly and make sure that you and your child are comfortable with the situation.

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13y ago

State of Alaska > DOLWD > Labor Standards & Safety

Summary of Alaska Child Labor Law

Alaskan youth under the age of 14 may only work in the following occupations:

  1. Newspaper sales and delivery.

  2. Babysitting, handiwork and domestic employment in or about private homes.

  3. Occupations in the entertainment industry, with an approved work permit from the Alaska Wage and Hour Administration.

Special Restrictions (14 and 15 year olds):

When school is in session, hours will be limited to a total of nine hours of school attendance plus employment in any one day; work will be performed only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and total hours worked will be limited to 23 in any week.

During school vacations, work hours will be limited to 40 hours per week between the hours of

5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

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13y ago

The only states with specific laws addressing this is Indiana and Texas. Beyond that, they simply have a right to express and opinion.

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12y ago

i'm pretty sure it's 14.

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Q: At what age can a child stay home alone in Alaska?
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At what age can you stay alone at home?

12 in Indiana, but there are time restrictions with that. In Canada a child at the age of 11 years can go to a home alone course and after that they can stay home alone.

Can a child be left alone ina home at the age of 8 years old?

No! A child has to be 10 years ol to stay home alone!

What is the legal age for a child to stay home alone in New York?

There are no laws that say how old a child should be to stay at home alone in New York. The recommended age is 13 to 18.

What is the legal age a child can stay home alone in Delaware?

A child must be at least 12 years old to stay home alone in Delaware. At this age, they can also babysit other children and siblings.

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Children can stay home alone for a few hours with access to an adult at the age of 12. Children below the age of 12 cannot stay home alone for any length of time.?

What is the legal age for a child to stay alone overnight in Ontario Canada?

There is currently not a law that specifies the age a child has to be to stay home alone overnight. It is left up to the parents to decide if their child is mature enough to handle it.

What is the age of a child to stay home alone in Washington county?

any age

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Can an underage child with autism stay home alone in the state of Florida?

No, an underage child with autism cannot stay home alone in the state of Florida.It doesn't matter whether the child is autistic or not, if they are underage then they cannot stay home alone. Leaving the child alone would be illegal and they may get into trouble while alone.

What age should pre-teens be left at home alone?

Well you can answer these questions: Are they responsible? Are they trustworthy? Are they respectful? Do they take pride in themselves? Are they caring? Are they fair with others? (if babysitting) If mostly Yes to these questions your child is ready to stay home alone. If mostly No to these questions your child is not recommended to stay home alone.

In MO what is the legal age a child can stay home alone?

it is 14 year old