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There's no clear age limit, so the interpretation is up to the court. see links

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Q: At what age can I legally stop paying child care expenses for my son in Indiana Is there a maximum age that I am responsible for covering it and an age where he shouldn't need child care anymore?
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Are both parents responsible for pre-school bill in Indiana?

It will depend on the marital status. If they are married, yes, they are equally responsible. If they are divorced, or never married, the court order determines child support and responsibility for the children and their expenses.

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The estate of the deceased is responsible in Indiana. The executor is responsible for listing all assets and debts. The debts are paid and anything left is distributed.

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Parents in Indiana are legally responsible for their children until they reach the age of 18.

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Which agency is responsible for regulating the state boating laws in Indiana?

The Indiana Department of Motor Vehicles. Go to

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Is wife responsible for medical bills of deceased spouse in Indiana?

The spouse is not directly responsible, unless they have co-signed for the services. The estate is responsible for settling all medical bills in Indiana. So before the spouse can inherit anything, the estate has to pay the bills.

Who is liable for golf ball damage in Indiana?

When playing golf, if a ball causes damages to property or a person the golfer is the person responsible. In Indiana or any other state, a judge would determine if the golfer is not responsible.

What is the legal age of emancipation in the state of Indiana?

Indiana Sorry, there is no emancipation status for this state.

Can you move out at 16 in Indiana with your parents aprooval?

Certainly if you have parental permission. Until you are an adult, 18 in Indiana, your parents are responsible for you. That includes determining where you live.

At what point do parents have no legal responsibility for their children in Indiana?

In Indiana, parents have legal responsibility for their children until they reach the age of 18. After turning 18, individuals are considered legal adults and are responsible for themselves.