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Judicial- the judges.

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Q: Arm of the government that interprets laws?
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Which branch of government interprets nations laws?

The judicial branch interprets the nation's laws.

Part of government that interprets laws?


Who interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch.Supreme Court

Which branch of government interprets laws?

The judicial branch interprets the law.

Which part of the government interprets laws?

The Judicial Branch, or the courts.executive is president. jucicial is the court. and the legislative branch makes and interprets laws

Which branch of government interprets the nations law?


Does the judicial branch of the government interprets laws?

I think so

What is the body of government that interprets the laws to resolve disputes?


What is the part of the government that interprets the law?

The Judicial Branch of government interprets and reviews laws passed by the legislature.

Which government branch interprets our laws?

The Judicial Branch interprets the laws. The Legaslative Branch makes the laws. The Executive Branch carries out the laws.

Who makes up the local government in the Caribbean?

the structure of government in the commonwealth Caribbean is one built on the west minister model. That model is consist of a division of power between the executive,legislative and judiciary arms of government. Each of those branches functions independently on each other. This is known as the principle of separation of powers.The executive arm formulates policies and draft laws for the country.the legislative arm makes laws for the country.the judiciary arm interprets and administers the laws of the country

What does the 3 branches of government do pertaining to the United State government?

Legislative branch makes the laws. Executive branch enforces the laws. Judicial branch interprets the laws.