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It is dependant on which state that you live in as to if the children are entitled to back child support after they are grown. You will need to consult with your local state child support office so they can better assist you with this question.

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Q: Are your grown children entitled to the back child support payments that are received by the parent who has custody?
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Is it illegal to continue to collect support for a child you no longer have custody of?

Yes. If you don't have legal custody then you are not entitled to accept child support.Yes. If you don't have legal custody then you are not entitled to accept child support.Yes. If you don't have legal custody then you are not entitled to accept child support.Yes. If you don't have legal custody then you are not entitled to accept child support.

Do parents have rights to their children's medical records after they have lost custody?

Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.Generally, the person who has legal custody or legal guardianship of the child has right to the child's medical records. A parent who does not have legal custody is not entitled to the child's medical records. Generally, they would need a court order to obtain them.

Is a single parent with joint custody entitled to child support if the other parent is married and that income is much higher?

Generally, the parent with the greater amount of physical custody is entitled to child support.

If you have joint custody of your children do you have to pay child support while they spend the summer with you in NY?

This is an issue which should have been addressed in the original support agreement. If there is no stipulation as to how support should be administered when the children are with you. You are still obligated. You can however, have the order modified to read, that when you have physical custody the set payments at that particular time be used for the children's benefit.

If your husband files for child custody and you have not received any notification and I have the children living with me in another state will he be granted custody and child support?

Whether or not you have received formal notification, if you are aware that such an action has been filed, you should immediately retain an attorney in that State who specializes in family law.

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Can i get custody of two children i have cared for since their mother 1 yr ago children are not related to me

How does primary custody work?

If you have primary custody you rule the child's life. You're the parent in charge but the other parent may still be entitled visitation.

Can an out of state parent gain custody of children?

Yes, depending on the circumstances. Generally, the parent who has custody must be deemed unfit for the court to remove the children from their custody. You should seek advice from an attorney who specializes in custody issues in the jurisdiction where the children reside.

If a mother has custody of the children but does not live with them what can a non custodial parent who wants the children do?

The non-custodial parent can go to court and request custody of the children. A judge will decide which parent should be awarded custody of the children. The circumstances under which the children are currently living, combined with the reason(s) they are not living with you will be a big factor in whether or not you get to keep custody of the children.

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The father was awarded custody of his children.

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She already has custody of her children.

If parents get imprisoned without arranging custody for their children who gains custody in this case?

It depends on the state, usually the state takes the children into custody, or the closest family relative.