Generally: If the money received is for a replacement of earnings (which would have been taxable, had you earned them normally), then Yes. If they are to compensate you for a loss of something else, say an arm or sight, etc., then No. The answer may be different for your States' income tax.
Report it to your Employment office and also to Workman's Comp. There isn't much they can do, but at least it's report (also send a registered letter about your complaint because it's then on file should you have any problems in the future.) It makes me laugh at all the warnings given to the public about Identity Theft yet what do they do ... they send your Workman's Comp in regular mail (instead of Registered Mail where you have to sign) and they do this in Canada with new Driver's Licenses and Credit Cards. From now on have your Workman's Comp. checks put into "direct account" (into your savings or checking account.) You will receive all info on your bank statement so you know you are getting the checks. I get my Canadian Pension and Old Age Pension checks sent right to an small interest baring checking account at my Credit Union and thus, it stops Identity Theft.
Excellent question. If you were sent on a training trip and the training you were attending was related to you job and paid for by your employer, that will consider you on the job, which makes you eligible for Workman's Comp.
they still have to pay you workmans comp. but watch your pay will decrease, because your disability increased. you are caught in a catch 22. get a lawyer!!
I worked for the state. I did not get workers comp until all my sick leave was used up. It came from a separate outfit. I did not get 2 checks. Once I could walk and drive a car, the doctor sent me back to work.
Yes, the checks have been sent via email.
No, checks cannot be sent by email. They must be physically printed and mailed to the recipient.
No, checks cannot be sent through email. They must be physically mailed or delivered in person.
No, checks cannot be sent via email. They must be physically mailed or delivered in person.
Yes, the Tower Loan checks have been sent out in the mail.
No, checks cannot be sent via email.
all legal documents were taxed. wills, marriage liscences, deeds, etc. were all taxed in order to be sent and/or made.