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You are not legally required to do so, HOWEVER - if you are assisting them in some fashion and could be charged as "aiding or abetting" them in their breaking of the law.

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Q: Are you obligated by law to turn someone in in they are breaking parole?
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How can you turn someone in if they are on parole and have left the state?

If it is necessary for you to report an absconder, you may contact the local Parole Office and ask to speak to the Parole Officer of the abscondee.

What does A vous la parole mean in English?

"A vous la parole" translates to "You have the floor" in English. It is an expression used to give someone the opportunity to speak or share their thoughts.

Meaning of Vous avez la parole?

"It's your turn to speak."

Is breaking and entering a violent crime?

No B&E is a property crime - it MIGHT turn into a violent crime if you encounter someone inside though.

Does Bella turn into a vampire in eclipse or breaking dawn?

Breaking Dawn

When does Bella Swan turn in to a vampireeclips or breaking dawn?

breaking dawn

If your on parole in Louisiania and behind in payments what will they do?

Different states have different rules, but most are similar and there is no reason Lousiana should be different.If you fall behind on your parole supervisory fees or other fees assessed to you while on parole, typically the parole office has two options: extend your period of parole to give you opportunity to pay it; or, release you from parole and turn the outstanding balance over to a collection agency. Indebtedness is not a criminal offense.

In breaking dawn does Bella turn into a vampire who turn her into a vampire why?

Yes, Bella does turn into a vampire in Breaking Dawn. Edward turns her into a vampire to save her life after having Renesmee. (Their daughter)

How are they going to make Breaking Dawn 2?

you know how at the end of breaking dawn part 1 she had red eyes that means she turned into a vampire and became a newborn because edward bit bella and that makes her turn into a vampire (when a vampire feeds or eats a person it kills them when a vampire BITES someone they turn into a newborn. )

In which twilight moovie does Bella turn into a vampire?

Bella turn into a vampir in breaking dawn.

In what book does Bella turn into a vampire?

Breaking Dawn

Did Bella turn into a vampire on the Breaking Dawn?
