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If you were arrested for a felony crime - and the charge was dismissed before ever reaching the trial stage - you are NOT considered to be a felon. And although your record may reflect an arrest for the offense, it will also show that the charge was dismissed.

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14y ago

It was dismissed - which means there wasn't even a case. A conviction is a conclusion to a case. If the case was dismissed (ie there was no case) then there was no conclusion to the nonexistent case. So, no.
No. Provided it was charged, closed, reopened, then dismissed. The prosecutor could still reopen the case however.

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16y ago

If a person is charged with a felony but not convicted, (case dismissed) this person is not a felon unless this person has a prior felony conviction. LS

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If you were not found GUILTY in a court of law, NO you are not considered a felon.

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4y ago

my felony was dismissed by the Da no prison time or probation

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Q: Are you considered convicted if your case is dismissed?
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if the case was dismissed you were not convicted. you can truthfully answer no.

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No. The charges were dismissed.

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it means they are not pleaded guilty****It means the case was dropped. They were not convicted of a crime and have not been found guilty.

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He did not get convicted, as a juror on his trial was dismissed due to misconduct. This triggered a mistrial and the charge was dismissed.

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If a case is "Nolle Prosequied" by a prosecutor, that is considered a "dropped" case. A dropped case is different from a dismissed case. Only a judge can 'Dismiss" a case.

Are you considered convicted if your case is disposed?

Not necessarily. Not enough information is given in the question."Disposed" simply means that the case is finished in the states eyes, and is no longer 'active.' There are several manners in which a case is "disposed" of - among them - you could have been found guilty, not guilty, or the case may have simply been dismissed.

Can you carry a fire arm if your felony for possession of drugs has been adjudicated?

NO. you still have a conviction. That would depend on how your case was adjudicated. Were you convicted of the charges, or were they dismissed?

If a case in Michigan is reopened and dismissed is this considered a conviction?

No. A conviction is when the defendant pleads guilty or nolo, or a jury finds him guilty. Dismissed functions like a not guilty.

If a plea deal allows you to withdraw a guilty plea are you a convicted felon after that plea is withdrawn and the case dismissed?

You are not "convicted" unless a verdict has been rendered and a sentence pronounced. It that never took place prior to the plea bargain, then no, you are not.

If your felony case was dismissed can you purchase a firearm?

Generally speaking, yes. If a case was dismissed, you should not have a conviction reflected on your record.

If you do a plea bargain and the case is dismissed is it still a misdemeanour?

Yes. However, you will be able to state truthfully that you were not "convicted." However, the record of your arrest and the dismissal will continue to appear on your record.

If a criminal case was dismissed can that case be open at a later date?

noAnother View: Yes, it could be, depending on HOW the case was dismissed. If the judge dismissed the case WITH prejudice it cannot be re-opened. If it was dismissed WITHOUT prejudice it can be.However, if a criminal case is dismissed without prejudice it may not be re-opened IF the applicable statute of limitations for that crime in that situation has lapsed.