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Parental consent has nothing to do with the laws in place. If you are underage by the laws view, you are still underage.

if you wonder if marriage emancipates you, yes it does.

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Q: Are you considered an adult if you get married underage with parent consent?
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Related questions

Is there any way in Alabama to get married without a parent's consent?

If you are underage you need your parent's permission.

Can an underage child get married with the consent of one parent in New Jersey?

If both parents are living, you have to have the consent of both.

How do you get married when you are underage?

Well if you are underage you will need parent's consent and judge or magistrate order. That's practically the only way you can do it.

Can an underage parent consent to custody of her child?

Yes she can.

In Mississippi can you get marriage underage without parent consent?

No, you can't.

Can you get married if you are underage and only have the consent of one parent?

Probably not--especially if both parents have legal guardianship, whether of not they're still together.

Do you have to have both parents' consent for an underage marriage in Pennsylvania and can one parent sign if they don't have custody over that child?

If you are under the age of 18, then the consent of the CUSTODIAL parent or Guardian is necessary. So, if this parent does not have custody, then they cannot sign for you to get married.

Can someone get married underage?

You can with your parent's permission.

Is it possible for a 17-year-old girl to marry a 27-year-old man in the state of Georgia?

If a person in Georgia is underage (either 16 or 17), they can get married if their parent/custodial guardian signs a consent form. If the parent/guardian refuses to sign the form, the underage person cannot get legally married. A person can get married without parental consent at the age of 18 in Georgia. Honestly, it's not the most sensible idea to get married at such a young age.

Can a stepparent give consent for underage child to marry in Colorado?

No, only a parent or guardian.

How could someone get married underage with only one parent's consent?

Rather than would be allowed depends on the state. In many states the signature of both parents is required.

If only one parent is in USA can you get married underage?

You don't get married under age !