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No. Paying it off or even making a payment, does not reactivate the debt. Nor will it obligate the person to make future payments on that account or any others included in the BK.

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Q: Are there any risks in paying off a debt that was discharged through the bankruptcy?
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If the bankruptcy was discharged more than 2 years ago, it may be disregardedIf the bankruptcy was discharged within the last 1 to 2 years, it is probably not possible to determine that you and/or your spouse are a satisfactory credit risk unless both of the following requirements are met:you and/or your spouse have reestablished satisfactory credit, andthe bankruptcy was caused by circumstances beyond your and/or your spouses control (such as unemployment, medical bills, etc.)If the bankruptcy was discharged within the past 12 months, it will not generally be possible to determine that you and/or your spouse are satisfactory credit risks.

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You should make sure that you understand what the interest rate is of the loan you are refinancing. Also make sure you understand the risks involved.

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Should you file for bankruptcy?

As anyone who has seriously examined Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection knows all too well, filing bankruptcy may be the absolute worst thing that borrowers can do to improve their financial position. For desperate folk suddenly realizing that there is little they can do on their own to achieve debt relief, bankruptcy might seem like an attractive possibility. After all, from our earliest memories, Americans are taught to respect bankruptcy as the (for whatever reason) dignified end to debt crises. Whether playing board games or watching cartoons, we're taught that bankruptcy is just what is supposed to happen once any borrower has debts that they can no longer responsibly manage. In our culture, bankruptcy is simply expected to be the final debt solutions to personal economic strife. Even as the nature of consumer debt changes from hospital bills and department store accounts to the burdens of credit cards too easily granted and too quickly filled to their limits, bankruptcy maintains a mythic allure as an all-inclusive cleanser for financial woes. Much as the debt protection of bankruptcy may have seemed a godsend for the generations that came before, there are now any number of new bankruptcy alternatives available for those debtors who have faced financial misfortune. More to the point, once a consumer takes time to fully analyze the Chapter 7 bankruptcy program, they may very reasonably wonder whether or not bankruptcy would be the correct choice for any debtor regardless of their own situation. Successfully filed and discharged, bankruptcy protection could indeed offer consumers new beginnings. In the best scenario, the fortunate borrowers could even start their financial lives over from ground zero, but that is only after they have suffered a harrowing ordeal that risks the utter ruination of their credit rating as well as the potential loss and seizure of any even vaguely valuable possessions.

What are the types of risks associated with investing in bonds and how do these two risks affect the pure expectations theory?

There are two major risks associated with investing in bonds 1. Interest rate risk - If the prevailing interest rates in the markets are lower than the rates when the bonds were issued, then the returns on our bonds may be below our expectations and calculations 2. Counterparty risk - This is the risk wherein, the bond issuer defaults on his payments or declares bankruptcy.

What is covered by a trade credit insurance policy?

Trade Credit Insurance is a type of insurance which is offered to businesses. The insurance policy covers accounts receivable, guards against bankruptcy, and protects the business against credit risks.