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If a patient goes to one doctor and begins abusing the medications prescribed by that doctor, no. If a patient begins going from doctor to doctor to obtain prescriptions, however, they can be accused of fraudulently obtaining prescriptions, and sometimes intent to sell because of the amount of medication involved. Both of which can carry jail time in some states. If a person is doctor shopping, or is going to ERs to try and obtain more medication, it can and will be noticed. ERs do keep records, and insurances flag people as over-using. Once your insurance flags you, it is not far from your doctor being notified - at which point they will flag you and stop prescribing. If you don't have insurance, don't think you avoid this loophole. In 2005 the president signed the Federal Prescription Database into law. Now the government has a list of every prescription you've been taking since then.

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Q: Are there any legal ramifications of a patient abusing their own medications?
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