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You should get you a lawyer an deverytime your grandmother try to get your childern, you record it. Then you take it to court.

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Q: Are there any laws to protect my children against their grandmother's lies to try to get custody?
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It Prevents, Investigates, Prosecutes and punishes violent crimes committed against children.

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It Prevents, Investigates, Prosecutes and punishes violent crimes committed against children.

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It could be said the same thing as when a father does, but fathers left behind with the children have a bad habit of doing nothing. They don't file for custody or child support. They sit and hope she comes back, but far to frequently when they do, it's only to get possession of the children, than file against the father. Dads need to learn to protect themselves and their children. the mom has one less thorn in the side to deal with

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There may not be specific legal requirements because custody decisions are typically made based on the best interests of the child, which includes considering any special needs or accommodations they require. Courts have the discretion to take into account a child's special needs during custody proceedings and can make necessary adjustments to ensure the child's well-being. Additionally, each case is unique, and judges can consider the individual needs of special needs children when determining custody arrangements.

Who has custody of a child whose parents were never married in fl?

When a parent does not have court ordered custody papers..any parent can have thr chilld...EX if the father takes him and doesn't want to return them well there is nothing you can do...if you call the police..they want a copy of the court ordered custody papers to remove the child from the non custodial parent....protect yourself get court ordered children were take by their father...i had no choice but to wait it out till he decided to return them...I did not have custody papers and nothing could be done since he was the father

What are the arguments for and against laws to protect children from injury?

Usually people who argue against laws to protect children are the ones who are not wanting to stop the action that is harming the child or the fear of being caught. Such as driving with no child restraints? Who would argue against that? Or no smoking in the auto while a child is in the car? I would only argue that if I was smoking with the child in the car. So if your question is about those types of arguments, then I feel my answer is correct. If your question is not about those types of laws to protect children, could you be more specific? please. Often people argue againt some laws because they understand that each law that is passed removes individual rights. Also, laws purported to protect children may not be sensible in all cases, but the laws are enforced universally.

What if the custodial parent hides the children from other parent?

If there is a legal order in place outlining custody and visitation rights for the non-custodial parent, the non-custodial parent may file an action against the custodial parent for contempt of court by failing to abide by that order. If the contempt continues, the judge may order a modification to custody giving it to the non-custodial parent, depending. If no legal order is in place, now would be a good time to file for one to protect the rights of everyone involved.

What happens if you don't get served custody papers in Oregon?

If you don't get served custody papers in Oregon, the court may proceed with the case without your input or defense. This could result in a default judgment being issued against you. It is important to stay informed about any legal proceedings involving custody to protect your rights and interests.

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No, birth control pills DO NOT protect against HIV