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There is no way to tell. The Ripper was never caught and has never been positively identified. There were quotes from people that claimed to be JTR but it would only be speculation as to how authentic they are.

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Q: Are there any interesting quotes from Jack the Ripper?
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Did Jack the Ripper have brothers?

They have not identified who Jack the ripper was and therefore no one can tell you if the offender had any family

What were the names of Jack The Ripper's friends?

Jack The Ripper was never caught so it's impossible to say who his friends were, or if he even had any friends.

Did Jack the Ripper have any sisters or brothers?

The 19th century serial killer named Jack The Ripper was never identified. It would be impossible to know if he was an only child or not.

How did Jack the Ripper sign his name?

While 100s of letters claiming to be from Jack the Ripper were given to the authorities, we don't know that any of them were actually written by Jack the Ripper. Some letters are signed "Jack the Ripper," some are signed "Leather Apron" (which is what the murderer was often called before the name "Jack the Ripper" became popular), one is signed "Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk".....On and on and on.In short, no one knows which, if any, was the real signature.There is a book of these letters available if you would like to learn more. It includes transcripts and pictures.

Who were Jack the Ripper's sidekicks?

Jack the Ripper was never caught and identified so there is no way to know the identity of his comrades. From the crime scenes and nature of the murders it is very unlikely that the Ripper had any help. The majority of serial killers work alone, the Ripper was almost certainly alone in his crimes.

How did social security help Jack the Ripper?

Jack the Ripper was an Englishman in 1800's London. Social Security was created in the United States in the 1930's. They are not related in any way or by any means. So, the answer to your question is it didn't.

Is there any link in the Jack the Ripper in black butler and Detective Conan?

None at all.

Did any investigator in the 1888 Jack the Ripper murders wonder if the killer was a female?

The notion that Jack the Ripper might not in fact be a man at all, but rather a woman, was one postulated by Inspector Abberline himself at the time of the killings.

Did they ever identify Jack The Ripper?

No. There are several theories about who he was, but none of these have been proven without any doubt.

How did smog help Jack The Ripper?

Although the term smog was unheard of, the city had it in spades. On any given day, the polluted air could be dangerous to a person's health. It could also reduce visability to a few feet. In this respect, the killer known as Jack The Ripper had the advantage.

Were any of Jack The Ripper's victims consumptive?

Consumption, or tuberculosis as it is now called, was rampant in London's impoverished east end. Ripper victim Annie Chapman, upon autopsy, was discovered to have tuberculosis and possibly phlueresy.

Did the ripper kill them for pleasure?

There have been several serial killers that are known by the moniker Ripper. The most famous and probably the first was London's Jack The Ripper, an unknown serial killer in 19th century London. Peter Sutcliffe was known as the Yorkshire Ripper. Danny Rollin was the Gainsville Ripper from Gainsville, FL. There are others, but yes it is safe to say that any one, or all, of these killers did get pleasure from their crimes.