It is almost impossible to have any felony expunged if you were convicted of the infraction.
Don't know about a 'deferred' offense but for expunged cases - no, you do not. However - if you apply for a government job of any type or with a private employer who will require a US Government Security Clearance - yes, you must. Expunged records are not closed to government background checks.
Expunging any felony is next to impossible in Texas if you are found guilty. The same goes for a felony DUI.
"Expunged" only applies to court and government maintained records. It does not apply to any records kept or maintained by private organizations or companies.
Generally, expunged felonies should not appear on a standard preemployment background check conducted by Citibank or any other employer. However, the rules around expungement can vary by jurisdiction, and there may be exceptions in certain cases where the information is still accessible. It's best to consult with legal counsel for guidance on how an expungement may affect a background check in a specific situation.
Sorry to tell you this, but while there are undoubtedly many jobs under state government employment for which you might quailfy, you may not be able to ever get a job in which any kind of "trust" is involved. Most state job requierments specify no convictions, and especially no FELONY convictions. Even if you have the offense expunged - so-called expunged records are available for checking by government agencies doing background checks.
It is very difficult to get any felony removed from your record or expunged if you were convicted. It would usually take a pardon.
Felonies are forever... Expunging a record is very difficult and very costly.
it depends on the extent of your crimeyou usally have to not commit any crime in the next two years and then ask officer about getting records expungedAnother View: (in the US) Sex crimes are NOTexpungable.
Yes, there are many different felony attorneys available in Chicago. Some of those felony attornies that are available in Chicago are Gaboyers and many other lawyers.
You cannot. Although there IS legislation and a procedure in place to allow federal felons to petition to have their federal criminal records expunged, Congress has consistently refused to appropriate any monies to fund this program. Therefore, although it exists, it is inoperable.
Well, let's clarify what it means to expunge a case: it means to DELETE it COMPLETELY. This means essentially THERE IS NO RECORD!! So to have a record EXPUNGED means to have it DELETED. When you have a felony record expunged it's as if it never occurred. Therefore the public cannot see the record, nor can police. And you then have the legal right to say you don't have a record (at least not that one: if you do not have any other record you have NO record). Therefore to answer your question, YES, you can work as an anesthesiologist with an expunged record.