Most of the serial killers that had a successful career killing, were functional psychopaths meaning that they could go with daily life like anyone else and some of them had family like normal persons.
no most were all psychopaths or sociopaths but all of those who weren't were not famous. also the serial killers killed for a specific reason mostly related to a psychopathic or sociopaths disease.
Japan gave the serial killers hitory with 12 serial killers to date.
Yes. A psychopath is not necessarily a criminal. They lack empathy though. A psychopath does have the ability to control their behavior, unlike a person with something such as antisocial personality disorder. Psychopaths tend to be extremely intelligent and thus can put there intelligence to good use. The only reason that psychopaths have a bad rap is due to the fact that many serial killers are diagnosed as psychopaths.
Probably, but just to point out that being a psychopath doesn't mean you have the urge to kill, it just means you don't have the same range of emotions (if any) as "regular" people, which i guess makes it easier to kill. I like to think that most politicians are psychopaths
Yes, most serial killers are male.
I could find no serial killers from Coweta, KY.
Most serial killers are white and the US is has the most of them.
Well there is no special word for it they are just basically serial killers.
I think there are 4% of serial killers are murdered in jail
Below is a link to a complete list of serial killers.
No. The vast majority of serial killers have been straight men.
No, not all psychopaths become killers. While psychopaths may exhibit antisocial behavior and lack empathy, the majority do not commit violent crimes. It is important to note that psychopathy is a complex psychological condition that manifests in different ways among individuals.