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The answer is yes. A sound supressor is legal to own in the State of Connecticut as long as it is registered with the ATF as it is an NFA regulated item. All it takes is an application and $200 for the transfer.

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Q: Are pistol sound suppressors legal in Connecticut?
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Did the AK-47 have a silencer?

Usually not. But silencers/sound suppressors have been made for them.

Is it legal to supress a rifle?

"Legal" denotes a law- and the law varies depending on where you are- and you did not tell us that. In most of the US, firearm suppressors ARE legal, but must be registered with the Federal BATFE, and a $200 transfer tax paid. Please note that for most rifles, a suppressor does NOT "silence" the rifle, but can greatly reduce the sound.

Can you have a sound moderator and a muzzle brake on the same rifle?

Not very likely. Muzzle brakes work by venting gases, whereas sound suppressors work in part by preventing the escape of these gases. Some flash suppressors are designed to facilitate the attachment of a sound suppressor, such as the Smith Vortex and AAC Blackout, but not muzzle brakes.

Are flash suppressors illegal in Illinois?

While suppressors are illegal in Illinois, flash suppressors are not as they do not deaden or quiet the sound of a rifle in any way. "Sec. 24-1. Unlawful Use of Weapons" (6) Possesses any device or attachment of any kind designed, used or intended for use in silencing the report of any firearm

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The sound of a pistol shot is the sound of the gunpowder exploding when it is ignited by the primer, which in turn was ignited by the hammer hitting it.

Where does the Connecticut river end and start?

Its source - Fourth Connecticut Lake Its mouth - Long Island Sound

What are 3 outstanding features on Connecticut?

Connecticut river long island sound and Hartford

Which state is long island sound in?


What is connecticut's largest body of water?

The biggest river in Connecticut is the Connecticut river.

What body of water borders Connecticut on the south?

long island sound borders Connecticut on the south

Are sound suppressors legal in Michigan?

Currently no, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox issued opinion 7183 that made it de-facto legal to own a "machine gun" in Michigan but a similar ruling was not made on suppression devices. Sign this petition to get the Michigan AG to issue an official opinion on suppression devices.

What states does long island sound touch?

Long Island Sound touches the states of New York and Connecticut.