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Yes if they are far enough back in history to have past the copyright time protections

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Q: Are historical speeches public domain
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Related questions

Can historical figures be in the public domain?

People aren't said to be either copyrighted or in the public domain.

Are the US president's speeches copyrightable?

Technically yes. However, most public speeches are released into the public domain immediately, since the person making the speech normally wants it to be distributed as broadly as possible.

What format on freeinfosociety are historical speeches offered in?

Historical speeches on FreeInfoSociety are typically offered in text format. Users can read and analyze the content of the speeches online.

Which method of communication did President Lincoln use most to inform the public about the Civil War?


Where do we get our historical information?

Historical information can be gotten from magazines, journals, newspapers, speeches.

Where can one find online famous historical speeches?

One can find famous historical speeches to read at History Place, Listverse and at Biblical Patriot. One can also listen to audio tracks of famous historical speeches online at Learn Out Load and at the History website.

Why were public speeches so important to protesting British rule?

Why were public speeches so important to protesting British rule?

Where can one find pictures of puppies that are considered to be public domain?

One can find pictures of puppies that are considered to be in the public domain on public domain picture collection websites. These are a few of those: Wikimedia, PublicPhoto, Pixabay, PD photo, Photos Public Domain, Picdrome, Alegri Photos, Free Photo Gallery, Public-Domain-Photos, 4Free Photos, Free Stock Image Site, Public Domain Files,Public Domain Depot, Open Galleries, Free Images Collection, Free Digital Photos, Public Domain Photo, Project Public Domain Pictures.

When was Union for the Public Domain created?

Union for the Public Domain was created in 1996.

.Is Shenandoah folk song public domain?

Yes, Shenandoah is public domain.

When was Center for the Public Domain created?

Center for the Public Domain was created in 1999.

What are different forms of public speech?

Different forms of public speech include informative speeches, persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches, motivational speeches, and inspirational speeches. Each form serves a different purpose and uses different techniques to engage and communicate with the audience effectively.