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Yes, unless you are in one of the excepted professions or you are working as a 1099 independent contractor rather than as a W-2 employee. An example of an excepted profession is a lawyer or a doctor, something that requires specified knowledge or an advanced degree. If you are an independent contractor, the person or entity that gives you your paychecks will issue a Form 1099 instead of a W-2 at tax time. But be aware that just because your employer calls you an independent contractor and issues you a 1099, doesn't necessarily mean you actually are an indpendent contractor. If your employer dictates the terms and conditions of your employment such as what times you have to be there and that you have to report to an office, their issuance of a 1099 is illegal. If this is the case the employer should be reported to the IRS, as it is their legal obligation to pay more taxes on your behalf. But, if you are a straight W-2 employee, anything over 40 hours a week is considered overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act and you are entitled to receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek of at least one and a half times your regular rate of pay. For instance, if you make 8 bucks an hour and you work 50 hours in a workweek, you are entitled to 8 bucks an hour for the first 40 hours and 12 bucks an hour for the extra 10 hours you worked.

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16y ago
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13y ago

An employee is entitled to overtime pay for all hours worked over eight hours in any workday and over 40 hours in the workweek. Eight hours of labor constitutes a day's work, and employment beyond eight hours in any workday or more than six days in any workweek is permissible provided the employee is compensated for the overtime.

When you work over your regular time assigned to you on that day.

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12y ago

It depends upon the laws of the state in which you are working. Most run with a 40 hour work week, but there are some that base it on an 8 hour work day, like California. There are also exceptions for shift work and similar items.

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12y ago

yes depends on where you live... I live in toronto Ontario and by law i get paid double time if i work over 40 hours

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15y ago

Federal law requires employers to pay overtime to employees who work more than 40 hours in a week. This does not apply to employees who are paid salary, rather than hourly.

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You worked 34.6 hrs plus 8 holiday hrs Do you get paid overtime?

No. Overtime is only given if you work more than 40 hours in a given workweek.


Not sure what you are asking. You would be paid regular for the extra hrs but if less than 40 in a week, they would be at regular rate. Depending on your state if you work over a certain number of hrs in a day, they still have to pay you overtime on those hours even if under the 40 weekly.

How many hour your obligated to work?

depends on your state. Some have mandatory overtime so you may have to work up to 12 hrs a day.

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Is Memorial Day a work day?

Yes it is. No you just have to pay them overtime Places like McDonald's don't pay overtime. If you work less than 40 hrs a week there is no overtime.

Is overtime in Texas paid after 8 hrs. or after working 40 hrs.?

40 hrs. Its the same in all states because of federal law.

You live in NJ work for major retailor no union if you work say 36 hrs and the next 8hr day would bring you overtime can they make you go home early not to have overtime?

Unless you have a contract guaranteeing you a certain amount of hours a week an employer can change your schedule at will.

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only if he threatens to fire you if you dont do it

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In the state of IL do salary employees get overtime?

Yes 1.5 Times after 8.0 hrs. 2.0 Times for Holidays

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if any one knows please be advised that i work 89 hrs a week. A my week starts on wed and i work 7 days straight 12 hr shifts. time goes in on mondays but i work straight thru.

What is the normal hours to work per week?

Normal hours to work in a week is 40hrs which is 5 days a week 8hrs a day. Which is a full time job. Anything over 8 hrs is usually over time unless you work under the construction law which is anything after 9hrs is overtime.