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Q: Are current wireless Ethernet networks in the US are based on the IEEE 8023 standard?
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Which is faster the current Wi-Fi standard or Fast Ethernet?

The current standard is 802.11n which is 160 Mbps is faster than Fast Ethernet 100Mbps

Is a wireless N router compatible with a MacBook Pro?

All current Macs, including the MacBook Pro, conform to the IEEE 802.11 standard and will work with a/b/g and n networks.

How do i make my laptop forget a wifi security key?

You should go in properties of wireless adapter, locate settings for wireless networks and either remove the network you want to forget the key for or edit current profile.

Is it possible to flow current wireless?

No it is not possible to flow current wireless.

4G wireless communication networks?

4G (also known as Beyond 3G), an abbreviation for Fourth-Generation, is a term used to describe the next complete evolution in wireless communications. A 4G system will be able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where voice, data and streamed multimedia can be given to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis, and at higher data rates than previous generations. As the second generation was a total replacement of the first generation networks and handsets; and the third generation was a total replacement of second generation networks and handsets; so too the fourth generation cannot be an incremental evolution of current 3G technologies, but rather the total replacement of the current 3G networks and handsets. The international telecommunications regulatory and standardization bodies are working for commercial deployment of 4G networks roughly in the 2012-2015 time scale. At that point it is predicted that even with current evolutions of third generation 3G networks, these will tend to be congested.

What is the command to determine if interface Ethernet 0 is active?

Run "ipconfig".. If your Ethernet will be active it will show you the current IP address of NIC..

If you get a ethernet cable can you use your current internet connection?

Simple anwser, yes.

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What is the difference between a wireless LAN and a wireless G card?

N is faster and has a longer range (if you live in a multi-story home or apartment it is amazing). G is, of course, cheaper. If you are wondering, don't worry about the fact that the N standard isn't finalized yet. Most devices conform to the draft standard. Any change from the current standard will be minimal at this stage in the process and will most likely only require a firmware update if the final standard does in fact change... The extra cost for wireless-N makes sense if you need the improved range due to a large home or multiple walls between the computer and the base station. If you need to transfer files between other computers or stream music within your local network (you have a media center PC and want to stream music/video) you will benefit from the faster speed of wireless-N You won't get any extra speed boost from N if you are the only computer on your network and you are relatively close to the base station. Remember, even with an 8 Meg cable modem, the bandwidth of 54Meg wireless-G is more than sufficient.

How do you upgrade your desktop PC to use wireless Internet?

With a wireless network card, you will also need a wireless router, contact your current ISP to upgrade.

Wireless Internet Service?

form_title= Wireless Internet Service form_header= Do you need wireless for your business? Have it installed by a professional. Are you dissatisfied with your current internet connection?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure Who is your current internet provider?*= _ [50] When do you want the internet installed?= _ [50]

How do you connect the coaxial cable feed to the ethernet connection on the computer?

Most current networks use UTP but you are describing a "thinwire" network. Thinwire uses coax and an Rg58 connection. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) networks use RJ45 connectors. They look like an oversized telephone plug. You can purchase a thinwire modem for your computer if that's what you need, or you can get a hub that can act as a converter if your computer already has an RJ45 network connection.