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I believe as long as the aid society follows the guidelines set forth by the internal revenue service they remain legal, once those guidelines have been broken, they become suspect to the officials and may be closely watched.

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Q: Are church pastor aide ministries illegal?
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Related questions

What are guidelines set forth for pastor aide ministries?

Pastor aide ministries are responsible for the well being of the pastor. The ministry provides financial, social and spiritual support and representation.

What is the pastor's aide board?

Pastor aide board is a group of people choosen to take care of the pastor and his family to assist in whatever the pastor need.

Where is pastor's aide found in the Bible?

It is not

What biblical Scripture describes a Pastor aide committee?

1 timothy 5:17,18

What is the role of the president of the pastors aide ministry?

The president of the pastors aide ministry typically serves as the leader and coordinator of the ministry's activities. They work closely with the pastor to provide assistance and support, organize events, coordinate volunteers, and help meet the needs of the congregation and community. The president also helps to maintain communication between the ministry and the pastor to ensure alignment with the church's mission and vision.

What are the duties of a Pastors Aide Board?

Although the pastor of a church sets the spiritual vision and leads the church he is answerable to the board. Like any corporation the board members are elected in annual business meetings by the congregation to serve a set period of time. Their primarily duties are to oversee the finances and make sure the church organization continues to run smoothly. They determine the pay rates of the church staff and what project are to be funded as well as help to run things when the pastor is away.

Is there a nurse aide training program in Lodi CA?

Yes there are nurse aide training programs located in Lodi, CA. There is the Arbor Convalescent Nurse Aide Program located at 900 North Church.

What does a pastor aide do in church?

A pastor does many, many things; largely depending on the congregation's size and whether or not there are more than one pastor. If the church is large and there is multiple pastor then they are specialized into separate fields, but in an one pastor congregation then he/she does most (if not all) of the following. The first and most obvious is preaching Sunday morning, but this is not as simple as getting in front of a crowd and rambling for 20 minutes. Hours of preparation and prayer go into even the simplest sermon, even a "recycled" sermon-one that the pastor has done years ago but still has the outline, takes considerable work to revise and prepare with. But his/her job isn't over Sunday evening after the services are over.Throughout the week he/she holds positions in most (if not all) councils or boards that the church offers and it is his/her responsibilty to make as many as possible to ensure everything is running smoothly. There is outreach that needs to be done, and that can look like a hundred different things but most common is visitation of the sick, elderly, or incarcerated, and the means spending a good amount of time with each individual. Beyond visitation he/she may be actively involved in other means of outreach including (but not limited to) street evangelism, school outreachs, homeless shelter work, etc. These outreaches depend largely on the area that the pastor preaches to.Back in the church proper, when he/she isn't chairing a comittee, working on a sermon, preaching/teaching, he/she is busy with counciling. Numerous issues come past a pastor's desk and congregates will bring a wide range of issues before a pastor to handle, be in marriage issues, personal problems, spiritual questions, etc. etc. etc. He/She also will be involved in, if not directly leading marriage counciling.That brings me into the next aspect of being a pastor, "the marrying them and burying them" aspect. In other words, involvement and leading of numerous special occasions in a person's life, (in many cases, conversion), baptism, weddings, and burials. Some churches have different milestones like these and differ widely from church to church. These are bittersweet moments for a pastor, especially when he/she is personally invested in the individual(s) that the ceremony is being held for.These are your standard "9-5" job qualities, things that a pastor knows about atleast a few days in advance and can prepare for. But a pastor's job is far from 9-5. One of the most physically demanding, and spiritually taxing aspects is those moments that you can't be prepared for. That midnight phone call to the hospital because Mr. and Mrs. Smith's 21 year old son is in critical condition because of a drunk driver. A pastor may be there for hours giving comfort and aid to the family and victim. He/She may not have gone to bed yet, and in some cases it'll be Saturday night/Sunday morning and 2-3 sermons in the morning. It is in those moments that they relay entirely on God to pull them through.Being a pastor is far from an easy job, he/she is continously being thrown into situations that most would want to avoid, tragic accidents, violent and malicious agruements, and pressed with questions that noone can really answer, these normally start "Why would God..." They're job are 24-7-365, and they are part teacher, part psychologist, part CEO, part finicial manager, part therapist, part orator, part embassador, and part solider.

What is aide in the cutting aide?


Who is Aide?

Aide is a girl who likes Jose and Edgar.

How can you apply for a work visa for illegal immigrant?

You should speak with an immigration lawyer. Your options depend on the reason for illegal status, and how you entered the country in the first place. If you are indigent, resources like legal aide or Catholic Charities can help point you in the right direction.

What was the prussian military aide?

It is the German Military Aide also.