The flow of traffic is on the left-hand side of the road, but vehicles with the drivers controls on either the left or the right are lawful.
Yes, Germany's cars is left hand drive
We drive on the left, so use rhd cars.
Cars in France are left hand drive (traffic drives on the right hand side of the road)
Yes. Yes, drivers in Ireland (North & South) drive on the left. The only difference between the two are the road signs. The signs in the Irish Republic use kilometers (metric) for distances and speed limits, while the signs in the North (UK) use miles (imperial).
Of course. Nearly all cars in the United States are left-hand drive.
Well,an Australian car is right hand drive and a Canadian car is left hand drive :)
Cars in Northern Ireland drive on the left hand side of the road.
There are many places where one can find left hand drive cars for sale in London. One place is the website "gumtree" and the website "lefthanddrive" on the internet.
No, most of the worlds cars have the steering wheel on the LEFT side of the car. Although there are some high-population countries that drive on the left such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria it is outweighed by countries such as China, USA and Brazil who drive on the right. It is ESTIMATED that a third of cars in the world have the steering wheel on the right.
Could be the provision for the rear fog light on right hand drive cars. On left hand drive cars, the rear fog light is on the left side.
Mostly European made cars, right hand drive. As far as commercial vehicles go, however, US-made left hand drive trucks are more commonplace.
It really depends on the car and your driving situation. I've heard the claim that right hand drive cars drive better, but my own experiences in RHD cars haven't shown any significant difference from their LHD counterparts.