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it is for 2 years stated in the Constitution
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12

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Q: Appropriation of money for the army can be only for a period of how many years?
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Appropriation of money for the armed services can be only limited to how many years?

The United States Constitution, Article I Section 8 gives Congress the power to raise and support an army. The funds appropriated for the army may be for no more than two years.

How can you find a way to make money at 17 years old?

Enter the Army

When was the Crusader period in history?

The Crusader period happened in the years 1095 to 1291. During this period the Palestinian people were dominated by a religious army called the Crusaders.

What did the Greek army look like during the Neolithic period?

there was no greek army in that period that was, like, before greece existed

Can you get an army medical waiver if you have ever been prescribed antidepressants?

You can sometimes get a medical waiver from the Army if you have been on antidepressants. The standard is that there is a three years waiting period before you can be considered for a possible waiver. There are no guarantees.

How can a country raise money to equip an army and build a navy?

how is money be raised to equip army and navy

Who decides how much money the Army receives?

The decisions about the amount of money used to fund the United States Army, in particular, are made in the Congresses of the United States, and they begin with the respective Appropriations Committees of its two houses. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12 of the Constitution of the United States grants the Congress the political power "to raise and support armies." Drafted as a result of middle-to-late Eighteenth Century fears of standing armed forces, it adds: "But no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years."The methods of funding the armed forces of other nations are dependent on what codes of supreme laws of those nations (which is essentially what a constitution is) are in effect and in force.

How long was the Roman Army prevalent?

The Roman Army is one of the many superior militaries of history. It was first land-based military deployed around 500 BC. This army lasted until the end of the Byzantine empire in 1453. This was a time period was about 2,000 years.

What does brutus refuse to do as a means to raise money for his army?

he refuse to take bribes in order to raise money for army.

Could congress pass a bill today giving the army enough money to operate until 1999?

You are ten to eleven years to late.

How much money does a two star general in the army earn?

The closest I'm finding is an 010 General. After 20 years in the service their base pay is $155,556.00 after 26 years $165,232.80

Which is the best disciplined army?

Indian Army . check the records/wiki/journals period !