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Q: Although only congress can appropriate the money that the federal government uses to operate it is the .......... who initiates the spending process?
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Congress has the ability to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government.?

Congress has the ability to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government.

Can congress appropriate money to the federal government?

Yes, it is true that Congress can appropriate money to the federal government. This is how federal departments are funded.

What branch of government implements legislation?

In the United States the US Congress initiates bills that if passed by both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. If the bill passes both branches of the Congress, and if the President signs the bill into law, then it's the duty of the Executive branch to implement the new law.

What has the ability to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government?

is not: executive branch ...: Congress

What makes Congress initiates the formal constitutional amendment process by?

Congress initiates the formal constitution amendment process by a two-thirds majority vote of each house.

The second continental congress acted like a central government by?

Although the Second Continental Congress had take on the functions of a central government, it really had no power to do so. The only thing that made Congress a central government was the fact that the necessities of war gave its decisions popular support.

When Congress does not appropriate sufficient funds to cover the cost of work to be performed under a contract the Government may?

Terminate the contract for convenience

The US had its first national government under which congress?

The first national government of the US was by force of circumstance the delegates of the Second Continental Congress after the declaration of independence in 1776, although it had no constitution as a foundation. In a true sense of a constitutional government, it was the Articles of Confederation that arose as an outcome of the second continental congress in 1781

Is congress the group that helps the president run the national government?

Yes, in a way. Congress makes the laws and essentially tells the president how to run the nation. The president is the CEO- his job is to carry out the will of Congress, although he can exert influence on Congress to get them to do what he wants.

Why isn't congress part of the federal government?

Congress IS the federal government.

The congress belongs to which branch of government?

Congress is part of the Legislative branch of government.

What branches of government are also known as Congress?

Congress is the legislative branch of the US government.