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No, the Constitution says that it does not limit the rights of Americans, and any rights they have had remain with them. This is (for example) the source of the right to privacy, which is never specifically mentioned in the Constitution or Amendments.

The ninth and tenth Amendments ensure that the people retain all of their rights.

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No. According to the Constitution, the Federal Government was granted 18 "enumerated powers", and NO OTHERS. All other power and authority we vested in the People, or the various States.

During the Constitutional Convention, the big debate was over an explicit "Bill of Rights"; rights that the State would be forever banned from affecting. The "Anti-Federalists" feared that State power would expand; the Federalists relied on the implicit limits imposed by the enumerated powers. Turned out that the Federalists were wrong, and the anti-federalists were correct.

The constitution included eight specific limitations on the powers of government, which were the first eight Amendments to the Constitution. The Ninth Amendment stated that the enumeration of the first eight amendments did not mean that all other rights were not reserved to the people, and the Tenth Amendment specifically limited the government to the enumerated powers.

Ninth Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Tenth Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

In the 230 years since, the 9th and 10th Amendments have been completely ignored.

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No. The Bill of Rights in the US Constitution consists of the first ten Amendments. They list several areas in which the government cannot abridge rights or freedoms.

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Individual rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution is contained within the Bill of Rights. This is the name by which the first 10 amendments to the Constitution are collectively known.

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Q: All the rights of Americans are listed in the Constitution.?
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Is it the constitution that keeps us free?

Yes, all the rights of Americans are listed in the bill of rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

What does the 9th amendment say about rights not listed in the constitution?

protects other rights that might not have been listed in the Constitution.

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When the U.S. was founded, they fixed all the problems listed in the Declaration of Independence in the Constitution. The Constitution ensured that their rights were protected against anything, including the government.

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The 9th amendment states that all rights not listed in the Bill of Rights go to the states to decide.

Where can the basic rights of all Americans be found?

The First Amendment of the Constitution.

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The Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court have not always recognized that all Americans have civil rights.

The Constitution and the US Supreme Court have not always recognized that all Americans have civil rights?

No. Many groups, particularly African-Americans and women, have been denied rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The document itself was not written to discriminate against anyone; however, the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution has been used to justify laws and policies withholding civil rights to such an extent that the Constitution had to be amended explicitly to extend protection to (almost) all classes of individuals.

When the constitution was approved in 1788 it protected all of the rights and freedoms that Americans enjoy today?

Its true

If a right is not listed in the Constitution does this mean you don't have that right?

no because one of the amendments are "all rights not stated in the constitution are hereby given to the states or the people"

Why did Americans insist on adding the Bill of Rights in the Constitution?

Two years after the constitution went into effect, ten amendments were added to the document. it was felt that the constitution did not list the rights that should protect all Americans. The constitution assumed that because the powers of the government were specific and limited, a statement of rights was not needed, but as the states began to ratify the constitution in 1787 and 1788, they insisted that a Bill of Right be added.

What is the purpose of the constitutution of the US?

The purpose of the Constitution in America is preaty much our Laws and our rights as Americans.the Constitution shows All Americans what their rights are and what the governments rights are so that our country may not turn in a Communist Country.

Does the constitution apply to african-americans?

When the Constitution was created, African Americans had no rights, even though the constitution said that all men were equal. They had no right to vote, to speak freely, and had educational rights taken from them. It wasn't until the 13th admendment, when Abraham Lincoln set his Emancipation Proclamation, that blacks started to gain their rights in the Consitution. The 14th admendment was first indended to secure the rights of former slaves. The original Constitution did not follow for African Americans, it was later that it was changed to include them.