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Contracts are agreements that are legally enforceable. An agreement does not have to be legally enforceable in order to be an agreement. The element of enforceability by law is what distinguishes the two.

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All contracts are Agreements but not all Agreements are contract.discuss

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Q: All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contract discus?
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All contract are agreement but not all agreement are contract?

all contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contract

Does all agreements are contracts?

No, all social agreements or moral agreements are not considered in contracts.

All contracts are agreement nall agreements are not contract?

some agreements are not enforceable by law, so they are not contracts. so does that mean a collaborator agreement is voided out because there is no ending date on it?

Are all agreement contracts?

No, all social agreements or moral agreements are not considered in contracts.

To which extend can all contracts be agreements but not all agreements are contracts?

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Why are all agreements not contracts?

Contracts are official documentation. Some agreements are made with oral promises and/or handshakes.

Every contract involves an agreement but every agreement does not necessarily result in a contract Explain?

Yes all contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts. Only those agreements are contracts which can be executable by law and those agreements which cannot/impossible to execute by law is not a contract. For e.g A agreed to pay B if C default payment is a valid contract. where as A agreed to pay B if B do a favour which is illegal is not a contract.

What is construction contracts?

Construction contracts management refers to a process where you manage all contract agreements that are involved with a construction project. The term applies to construction contract managers.

All contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contract?

Yes, all contracts are agreements, because a contract is a legally binding relationship that exists between two or more parties to do or abstain from performing certain acts. An agreement is a form of cross-reference between parties which may be written or oral, and lies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable.

Are contracts invalid if not signed or written?

In general, contracts do not need to be signed to be valid, but a written contract is typically required for certain types of agreements like real estate transactions or contracts lasting longer than one year. Oral contracts can be legally binding as long as all other elements of a contract are present. However, having a signed, written contract helps provide clarity and evidence of the agreement reached by the parties involved.

When can oral agreement be use to vary a written contract?

As a rule of thumb, oral contracts are worth the paper they're written on. So, typically, not at all. Written contracts take precedent over oral agreements. If however all contracted parties agree and the agreement is witnessed, it can be binding.

Who invented contracts?

Contracts have been utilized throughout human history in various forms. However, the modern concept of contracts as legally binding agreements can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. It is difficult to attribute the invention of contracts to a specific individual as they developed over time as societies evolved.