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What is the penalty for aiding a felon in Texas

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What is it called when you help a thief?

You could be: aiding a felon accessory before the fact accessory after the fact

What is the statue of limitaiton for aiding and abetting a felon?

The same SOL as if you had actually committed the felony offense.

What is the penalty for carying a firearm by a convicted felon?

5-15 yrs

What is the penalty for harboring a wanted felon in Washington state?

i like trains

What is the penalty for a felon to have a gun in pocession SC?

Federal prison time

What is the penalty for giving a felon a semi-automatic weapon?

You can be charged with felony assessory.

If you supply a felon a gun are you in violation of the law?

Yes, at the very least you are "aiding and abetting" and could conceivably be charged with "conspiracy."

What is the legal responsibility of loaning a felon a gun?

At the very least you are "aiding and abetting" a crime and could conceivably be charged with "conspiracy."

What is the penalty for a convicted felon found to own a firearm in Oklahoma?

5 years, Federal Prison

Can a felon of robbery that is on probation for 5 years go back to jail for DUI?

No, it is a death penalty case.

Is it illegal in the state of California to own a gun if you live with a convicted felon?

It may not be illegal for YOU to own it - but - if it is in the same house as the convicted felon he may be deemed to be "in possession" of it. A convicted felon is prohibited by federal law from owning or POSSESSING firearms (USC, Title 18). If it comes to it, you MIGHT be charged with "aiding and abetting."

What is the crime for knowingly give a convicted felon a gun?

If the Felon had used the Weapon for any other Felony - Assisting A FelonIf whomever it was was just shooting with the person that gave them the gun within a Shooting Range or in the country - I'd have no clue.Added: Aiding and Abetting a felon in violation of 18 USC (federal law), and/or whatever state charge might be applicable.