Parental consent has nothing to do with the age of consent. They cannot agree to let you do something that is illegal. In Arizona the legal age is 18.
AnswerThere are laws regarding 'parental consent for sex'. There are laws regarding the age of sexual consent. If you�re under the age of sexual consent, then you can have sex, as long as your parents are okay with it.
If you mean without parental consent--the age is 18.
{| |- | Not without permission. Being under the age of 18 will require parental consent to get married, regardless of what state they are in. If she has parental consent, she can apply for a marriage license in Arizona and get married there. |}
No, not at the age of 16, there is no state that will permit winning the lottery. Every state in the U.S. requires a person to be 18 in order to win the lottery without parental consent, with the exception of Arizona (21). Arizona requires a person to be 21 in order to win the lottery without parental consent. The person to win the lottery "with" parental consent is: girls 13, boys 13.
The Oklahoma legal Age of Consent for sexual contact is 16 years old. But they can only differ in 4 years of age apart. Any other consent will have to come from the parents.
Yes, because eighteen is considered the legal age of consent.
Under Nevada law, the legal age of consent is 16. No parental consent is required.
16 with parental consent, 18 without parental consent.
The age of consent in Alabama is sixteen. The age to be married with parental consent is fourteen years old.
Yes, someone 16 or 17 can get married with parental permission.
There are no laws about dating and the age of sexual consent in Georgia is 16.
Nowhere in the US without parental consent. There are states where you can with parental consent.