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Q: Against the law to fake your own death?
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In twilight Does Bella fake her own death?

No, in Twilight, Bella does not fake her own death at any point in the series.

Did Miley Cyrus fake her own death?

No, she did not.

Is it illegal to fake your own death in California?

Yes, it is illegal everywhere.

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No, you cannot own a squirral. Its against the law.

What act and scene does Juliet fake her own death?

Act 4 Scene 3

Did Jesse James fake his own death?

Yes, he did, he tried to fake his death before 1882. He died in Kansas in 1938 under the name of Jerry Miah James. Do not believe the fantastic lie promulgated by Betty Duke Dorsett and her unsupported claim of James L. Courtney being Jesse Woodson James.

Why did niccolo fake his death?

Niccolo faking his death is more legend than factual. There is no historical evidence that he ever faked his own death. It is possible that this misconception formed out of the idea that he often spoke of dying hypothetically to prove a philosophical point. Although during his time period, it was not uncommon for leaders to fake their own death to escape their enemies.

Against the law to have one person working in a shop one there own?

It is not against the law to have one person working in a shop by themselves. If there is equipment that requires two people, then it is against the law.

Is it legal to fake own death?

No, a person attempting such action can be charged with numerous criminal and civil violations. YES, it is legal to fake your own death IF you have had someone to attempt to murder you twice (and you obviously lived) OR if you are in Nevada. As for the other states i don't know, you would have to look into it.

Is it against the law to own a pet dog in Iceland?

No, it isn't.

How do you fake your own death?

It is illegal and unethical to fake your own death. It can cause severe emotional distress to your loved ones, lead to legal consequences, and damage your reputation. It is always best to address any issues or problems directly rather than resorting to deception.

Where can you make your own Yu-Gi-Oh cards? but you can not use them against people because they are fake.