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it must be given to the president so he can approve or veto it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

When the House of Representatives approves the law, it goes to the senate. After the Senate approves it, it goes to the president.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The President

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Q: After the bills are passed through the senate and the house of representives where do they go next?
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Where do bills dealing with money go to to be passed?


How are senate bills organized?

Both the house and the senate have commitees. The bills are separated into categories and sent to different commitees. If they are passed within the committee then it is brought before the senate.

All bills that have passed the house and the senate must be sent to the?


Who sign federal bill into law?

The President of the United States signs bills into law after the bills have been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

What is a friendly senate?

It pretty much just means that bills get passed through easily because the majority of Senators come from the party that's in power.

Who vetos bills?

The president has the power to veto bills.

What powers does the house of representives have?

originate bills for making revenue

How senate bills are scheduled?

Senate bills are scheduled through a series of legislations. One must pass law before a session can be set. In order to do so, it must be constitutional.

Who may introduce any kinds of bills?

Only a member of the House of Representives may introduce any kinds of bills they want.

How are house of representatives and the members of the Senate similar?

Members of the House of Representatives and Senate are similar in the following ways: Both are elected by the people they represent. Both decide what bills that are introduced are passed. Both go to Washington. D.C. when Congress is in session. Both have to deal with lobbyists who want bills introduced and passed that favor their views.

The scheduling of bills in the senate is left up to?

The scheduling of bills in the Senate is left up to the Senate majority leader.

How are the members of House of Representatives and the members of the senate similar?

Members of the House of Representatives and Senate are similar in the following ways: Both are elected by the people they represent. Both decide what bills that are introduced are passed. Both go to Washington. D.C. when Congress is in session. Both have to deal with lobbyists who want bills introduced and passed that favor their views.