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It is still yours until foreclosed formally...the stay just means they can do so.

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Q: After a relief from stay is granted to the mortgage company is the property still a part of the bankruptcy estate or does the mortgage company now have ownership rights to the property?
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Will bankruptcy protect me from foreclosure by my mortgage company?

Yes, bankruptcy protect you from foreclosure by your mortgage company. You can read more at

If you filled for bankruptcy then modified a mortgage can the mortgage company come after you or will it still be in your bankruptcy?

Great question for your BK attorney

What happens in Dallas TX if you stop making your mortgage payments?

The same thing that would happen in any city in the US; the mortgage company will begin a foreclosure action to take ownership of the property.

Does a mortgage company have to accept a late payment during a bankruptcy if they receive it?


If the owner financier a person not a company holds the mortgage note and he files bankruptcy how does this affect the buyer of the property?

The buyer still owes the money and must pay the debt.

How can you be responsible for code violations on business property discharged in bankruptcy in 1997 if the mortgage holder will not foreclose?

You are responsible as long as you are the legal owner of the property, Bankruptcy usually discharges certain debts including property related debts. If the mortgage company chose not to exercise their foreclose options then you may still be the legal owner of the property. Depending on the property valuation the mortgage note holder may have determined it more profitable not to proceed with a foreclosure process. Additionally; If fines were already issued prior to a foreclosure, you would still be liable for payment of those fines as well.

Can a property management company file bankruptcy?


Are mortgage companys the fee simple titleholder?

No. A mortgage company holds a conditional title to the property that varies according to state laws. To put it simply, the mortgage company only holds title until the mortgage is paid, and as long as the mortgage payments are up to date the mortgage company cannot take possession of the property, sell it or leave it to its heirs (in the case of an individual mortgagee).The fee simple title holder is the person who acquired the property by deed or by inheritance from a probated estate.No. A mortgage company holds a conditional title to the property that varies according to state laws. To put it simply, the mortgage company only holds title until the mortgage is paid, and as long as the mortgage payments are up to date the mortgage company cannot take possession of the property, sell it or leave it to its heirs (in the case of an individual mortgagee).The fee simple title holder is the person who acquired the property by deed or by inheritance from a probated estate.No. A mortgage company holds a conditional title to the property that varies according to state laws. To put it simply, the mortgage company only holds title until the mortgage is paid, and as long as the mortgage payments are up to date the mortgage company cannot take possession of the property, sell it or leave it to its heirs (in the case of an individual mortgagee).The fee simple title holder is the person who acquired the property by deed or by inheritance from a probated estate.No. A mortgage company holds a conditional title to the property that varies according to state laws. To put it simply, the mortgage company only holds title until the mortgage is paid, and as long as the mortgage payments are up to date the mortgage company cannot take possession of the property, sell it or leave it to its heirs (in the case of an individual mortgagee).The fee simple title holder is the person who acquired the property by deed or by inheritance from a probated estate.

If the mortgage was reaffirmed but on your credit report it appears as Bankruptcy is this an error?

Yes, a reaffirmed mortgage needs to reflect the mortgage payment history before, during and after the bankruptcy proceedings. "In Bankruptcy" needs to portray only DISCHARGED BY or INCLUDED IN...Bankruptcy. Contact your mortgage company so that all of your payment history shows on all three bureaus. No. Not if it were a part of the bankruptcy filing. It may or may not be marked included in bankruptcy or reaffirmed in bankrutpcy. It will still remain on the CR for the prescribed time.

How do foreclosures affect your credit?

Same as a bankruptcy There are actually companies that will work with you for free to buy your mortgage away from your mortgage company and avoid your foreclosure.

What does it mean that the mortgage company released the lien on your property?

It means that the lender recorded a notice in the land records that the mortgage has been paid. That notice releases the property from the mortgage lien.

What happens to a mortgage note when the mortgage company files for bankruptcy?

Mortgage notes are considered a company asset and are transferred or sold to other servicing lenders. Most mortgage companies only service loans for investors "fannie mae, Freddie Mac, etc."