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Q: A state of unconsciousness in which an individual cannot be aroused by normal stimuli is?
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State of unconsciousness where patient cannot be aroused?


How do you make girl unconcsious?

You cannot create a state of unconsciousness in a person. Its impossible!

What is the full mean of coma?

Coma stands for "Cerebral or Central Nervous System Opiate-Mediated Respiratory Depression." It refers to a state of deep unconsciousness resulting from severe brain injury, illness, or drug overdose.

What makes you go into a coma?

Comas can be caused by severe head injuries, lack of oxygen to the brain, strokes, infections, or metabolic abnormalities. These conditions disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, leading to a state of unconsciousness where a person cannot wake up or respond to stimuli.

A virus cannot grow or respond to outside stimuli?

Correct. A virus is considered non-living because it cannot grow or respond to stimuli on its own. It requires a host cell to replicate and carry out its functions.

What is the difference between a coma and being unconscious?

A coma is a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness where a person cannot be woken up and does not respond to stimuli, while being unconscious is a temporary state where a person is not responsive or aware of their surroundings but can still be awakened. Comas typically last longer and require medical intervention, while unconsciousness can be brief and resolve on its own.

Why is sun not living?

The sun is not made of cells, does not respond to stimuli, and cannot reproduce.

What is summation is anatomy?

Summation in anatomy refers to the process by which multiple individual muscle twitches are combined to produce a sustained contraction of a muscle. This phenomenon involves the additive effect of multiple stimuli on a muscle fiber. It is essential for generating smooth and coordinated movements in the body.

What taxes cannot be shifted from one individual to another?

Direct taxes cannot be shifted from one individual to another. These are taxes that are imposed on an individual person like the income tax. Such taxes cannot be passed on.

Is pencil a living thing?

No, it is an inanimate object. It does not breath, it cannot move on its own, it does not respond to stimuli.

Is it possible that you can conscious while being unconscious?

It is not possible to be conscious while being unconscious. Consciousness and unconsciousness are opposite states of awareness, so they cannot occur simultaneously.

Is it legal to turn your IRA into a LLC to avoid paying taxes?

You cannot convert an Individual Retirement Account into a Limited Liability Company.You cannot convert an Individual Retirement Account into a Limited Liability Company.You cannot convert an Individual Retirement Account into a Limited Liability Company.You cannot convert an Individual Retirement Account into a Limited Liability Company.