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Pentagon shaped. i would have said trianjgular but its pentagon

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small rectangle

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a pentagon

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Q: What is the shape of a school zone sign?
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What kind of traffic sign is a school sign?

School zone go slow sign get it from clikandprint com site its free sign images website

What is a five-sided traffic sign?

a school zone ahead

When the yellow light on the school zone speed limit sign is flashing you do not have to observe the posted speed limit on the sign?

A motorist is expected not to drive faster than the speed limit on the sign until the school has been passed.

A five-sided sign in the shape of a house indicates?

Pentagon: School Zone and School Crossing The pentagon (five-sided) shape marks school zones and warns you about school crossings. Signs may display horizontal lines indicating the point at which a crosswalk exists. Signs may have a separate downward- pointing arrow plaque, which indicates the actual location of the crosswalk.

What shape and color are no passing signs?

The "No Passing Zone" sign is a triangular "pennant" shape, pointing to the right side. It is either yellow or orange in color.

18 A school crossing sign is in the shape of a?


What sign warns you that you that you must slow down?

1) Yellow flashing light of a stop light. 2) when the yellow light for a "school zone" is flashing.the yield sign, the school crossing sign, and the yellow light are all signs of you must slow down.

What shape is the no passing sign in Florida?

It means that you cannot pass any vehicles in that zone. It can also signify that the passing zone has ended.

What does a fluorescent yellow-green pentagon sign mean?

Pedestrian crossing or school zone

When does school zones count?

School zones are usually identified by signs that say well, SCHOOL ZONE. They usually begin and end at school boundaries. They usually begin when you pass the sign.

To research for a school zone speeding ticket past school times, is there a way to discover 1) number of tickets issued at same school zone during certain time 2) number of local school zones with school zone times after 4:00 pm with no sign stating ?

You will need to go to the police dept and ask to see records.

What does the school zone sign when children are present mean?

The school zone sign indicates a reduced speed limit, typically 20-25 mph, when children are present or during school hours. Drivers are required to slow down to ensure the safety of students crossing the road or walking near the school.