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No, the plaintiff is the person who is suing, and the defendant is the person who is being sued.

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Q: A plaintiff is a person against whom a lawsuit is brought is this true?
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Related questions

A person who files or begins a civil lawsuit is called?

A plaintiff initiates a lawsuit against a defendant.

What is the legal term for a person who initiates a lawsuit against another person for neglectful actions or wrong doing?

The legal term for a person who initiates a lawsuit against another person for neglectful actions or wrongdoing is a plaintiff.

A defendant is a person against whom a lawsuit is brought?

The defendant is the one being sued in the court. It is their job to "defend" themselves against the allegations being brought in front of the court. Plaintiff - Complain Defendant - Defend

What is a person who brings a lawsuit?

The Plaintiff.

Name for a person filing a lawsuit?


What is the person filling a lawsuit called?

The person filing a lawsuit is the Plaintiff. The person they are suing is called the defendant.

What do we call the person who begins s a lawsuit?

The person who brings a lawsuit is called the Plaintiff or Petitioner.

In civil cases what is the person being sued called?

Defendant. He has to defend him self against the plaintiff's accusation.

Who initiates the lawsuit?

The person initiating a law suit is called an Appellant.

What does a complainant do in law?

Also, known as the plaintiff is the person who brings up a lawsuit against the defendant. This person must prove there case to a judge in a court of law. It is the plaintiff responsible to argue his complaint to the judge.

What is a person bringing a criminal lawsuit called?

A person bringing a criminal lawsuit is typically called a prosecutor or a plaintiff in some jurisdictions. They represent the government and are responsible for bringing charges against the accused individual in court.

Who is a plaintiff?

One who seek the justice.Another View: The plaintiff is the person who initiates a court action by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against a defendant and demanding damages, performance, and/or a court determination of their rights.A plaintiff is sometimes called a petitioner.THey are the party who initiates the court action.