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This issue of how parent discipline a child can not be over emphasized, but a child can't do well in life without the support of the parent.

Firstly, who can we call parent?

1) A parent is a person or people who gave birth to a child biologically.

2) A parent can also be referred to as takes care of a person below the age of


3) A arent can be a person or people who leads one in the right and positive

way of life.

Discipline is a thing of the hearth and can only gain full effect if properly the principle are well explained to the child. The act of discipline could actually be effective if love comes first...


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Parents do not have the right to use any form of disciple they choose. You cannot abuse your child physically.

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Q: A parent's right to discipline their child?
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What is the difference between discipline and child abuse to children at age 12 is whooping your butt because you were disrespecting your parents child abuse or discipline?

If it is done out of love with the intention of leading the child in the right direction, it is discipline. If it is done out of anger or revenge, it is abuse.

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A parent has a right to discipline there children when they are rebellious. They can take something from them or send them off to military school.

Why are parents hesitant to discipline their kids these days?

Due to increased awareness of the public by the media: TV mostly and newspapers, etc. there is a 'stop abuse' campaign. And again due to media, when there are cases, the news carries the cases. So parents are afraid of being reported for discipline whether it is appropriate or not. The public is more aware of how to report to the right agency. Parents also are more hesitant to discipline their kids because they want to be the child's friend rather than the child's parent. They want to be liked, and as a result, fail to teach the child right from wrong.

What are some ways to discipline kids during babysitting?

You have to talk to the child parents to find that out

What is the legal age for parents to stop hitting their teens?

The parent can stop hitting the child at any age. A parent is permitted to discipline a child by spanking until they reach the age of majority. If a parent hits the child outside of the discipline exception, it is battery. The line between battery and discipline is murky and varies by state.

Is it illegal in Texas to spank a child in public?

No, parents may discipline their children as long as they do not injure them.

What is a legal form of punishment for children?

Parents or another legal guardian of a child can use force up to, but not including death or child abuse to discipline a child

At what point do parents have the right to make a child move out?

Parents have the right to make a child move out after he attains 18 years of age.

What are the types of discipline?

Discipline comes in many forms. In a family situation, today's parents often use a "time out" chair for the child. Some take away privileges. Some spank and some hit violently with their fist or a belt. Many parents discipline by talking. Some send the child to bed without food. Discipline is necessary in raising young human beings, but the overly strict and violent usage of discipline is actually criminal behavior, in my opinion.

If both parents are right handed can the child be left handed?

NO, the child would inherit the characteristics of both parents which will have the characteristics of the right handed, but they could if any of the parents families where left handed it can skip a generation and give it to the child. But mainly the child will inherit the characteristics of the right hand.

Why parents discipline their kids?

so that they learn from there mistakes another answer: parents discipline their kids, so they will act correctly in life. Parents want their kids to act correctly in life, because, life is better when you act right, and get along with others. Parents want their kids to have a better life because they love them. SO, the correct answer is Parents love their kids. OF course their are many variations to this rule. If the discipline consists of ruthless beatings, maybe the parents are on a hatred trip, and really don't love their kids. But, if a person does it with explanations, and love, well, love is the key. I really wonder why you asked this question. Are you a parent wanting to learn about discipline, or a child experiencing it? billlyh