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Offer, acceptance, and consideration.

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Q: A legally binding contract must include some type of?
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How old must you be to get a cell plan with US Cellular?

A cellular contract is a legally binding contract; you must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract. The answer is 18 years old.

A minor signing a contract with a temp agency is it binding?

No, not unless a parent or legal guardian also signs. You must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract.

In the state of Arizona a verbal agreement IS legally binding?

No, a contract must be in writing. (You can lie all you want to!)

Can a realtor honor a second contract over the first if the first already signed the contract with realtor to purchase?

Generally, no. The realtor must honor the terms of the first contract. A legally binding contract is enforceable in court.

Parties to a contract must be competent to contract?

An acceptance is a response to the offeree that indicated that they approve of the terms of the offer. Once an offer is accepted, a legally binding contract is created. An acceptance must be intentionally made. The offeree must communicate to the offeror that they agree with the terms of the proposed contract. Both parties must be mentally competent for a contract to be legally binding. The contract also cannot contain anything unlawful; otherwise it is also not considered a valid contract. The communication of the acceptance of an offer can be bilateral or unilateral.

What are legally binding contracts?

A legally binding document is one whose terms can be enforced by a court of law. An example is a marriage certificate and a contract.

Can you insure someone else's car that doesn't have insurance on it?

Again, you cannot legally insure a vehicle that does not belong to you. The insurance policy and application make up a legally binding contract and state that you must own the vehicle in order to participate in the contract of insurance on the vehicle.

If an unmarried mother and father of a child enter into a child support contract that has been reviewed by lawyers and notarized is this legally binding and or can it be registered with the court?

It MUST be registered with the court.

Can a person insure a car of their parents?

No. The insurance must be in the name of the owner of the vehicle. An insurance policy is a legally binding contract and if one party does not own the vehicle then the policy and thus the contract is void. The insurance company cannot pay a claim on a vehicle if the owner is not party to the contract. They also cannot legally pay the owner because they are not an insured person under the contract.

Can you terminate a vehicle contract if you still own your trade in and won't sign it over to the dealer?

You signed a contract and now you want to change your mind? What do you think? A contract is a legally binding agreement between 2 parties that is enforceable in law. You signed the contract and you are bound by it. If the contract included you trading in your car then legally you must trade it in. Do otherwise and you are just asking to be sued. You will loose the suit if the contract is in order and will be out more money.

Will a contract always be valid and binding when its contains consideration?

Just because a contract contains consideration does not mean it is legal or binding. There are other requirements that must be met.

Is a contract legal binding when signed by a schizophrenic?

I am going out on a limb here you must have a witness present along with a Judge before signing documents legally and of course legal counsel by all means...