Yes, if that lawyer is the one demanding the deposition. The place of the deposition is at the choice of the lawyer calling for it. In practice though, the place of the deposition is usually a matter of custom in that particular legal community. In NJ, a defendant's lawyer will customarily schedule the plaintiff's dep at the plaintiff's lawyer's office and vice versa. This is out of courtesy between lawyers. Nothing prevents a defendant's lawyer from insisting the dep take place at his own office; however if he does not observe the usual courtesies, he should not expect to get the courtesies that he just denied the other lawyer back.
He worked as a civil rights lawyer and community organizer in New York and Chicago during the 1980s and early 1990s.
Yes. There are civil pro Bono lawyer's in the new Mexico.
Yes. There are civil pro Bono lawyer's in new Mexico.
The average annual salary for a civil lawyer is 88,186 dollars per year. The salary range for a civil lawyer is between 58,199 and 118,173 dollars per year.
What is the third step to deposition
in the usual amount of time, you have to study in university for about 4 years to become a good civil lawyer. To be a great lawyer, people tend to study for 6 years. I have found a woman to have sex with so i will give up my dream on being a civil lawyer.
Where did the Arabs and Syrians enter the U.S Yes
This means that this lawyer usually deals with lawsuit cases. This can be civil lawsuits with single parties or large lawsuits such as class action. This means that this lawyer is more of a civil case lawyer
His main goal was to win the Civil War and maintain the federal union .
The average salary for a civil lawyer is $101,848 as of 2013.