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In the UK, after the Burma oil case, retrospective law making (i.e a statute law that try's to overrule a previous decision by the courts) was found to be in breach of the rule of law and held to be illegal.

in this case, the UK house of lords held that the burma oil company was entitled to compensation from the devastating damage that was caused to their company by british soldiers. the UK government, obviously upset at the high compensation payment being demanded of them, passed a law (the war compensations act) saying that war repayments are not to be paid to companies/damage that related to coil, oil and natural gas. consequently the government tried not to pay the money burma oil was awarded. the war compensations act was then held to be a breach of the rule of law and an invalid statute. burma oil was awarded full compensation.

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When they catch you in the other state, you will sit in jail while they make plans to extradite you.

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10y ago

An Ex Post Facto law retroactively changes the legal status of an action or relationship. The name of the law means after the fact.

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Ex Post Facto Laws, which are forbidden under the Constitution.

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The law that makes an act a crime after the act has been committed is the govt. arresting law.

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The ex post facto law

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Q: A law that makes a crime after the act has been committed is what?
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A law that makes a crime of an act that was legal when it was committed is?

Ex Post Facto Law

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Ex post facto :)

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A crime is a criminal act committed with a criminal intent.

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Two elements are necessary for a crime to occur. A crime is consumated (committed) when (1) a criminal act, (2) done with a criminal intent, takes place.

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This is called an ex post facto law. They are constitutionally illegal in the United States. Ex post facto is Latin for from after the action or after the facts.

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skieping school and im better then you