Grand Jury
A judge typically decides which cases should proceed to trial based on the evidence presented by the prosecuting attorney during a preliminary hearing. However, in some jurisdictions, a grand jury may also determine whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial.
It could, especially if they feel like you were in the wrong. If they feel they didn't do anything wrong, you might be waiting a long time. Ask yourself why did you break up with him? Remember what brought you there and then decide should you call.
You could perform fellatio (oral sex). You decide if you want to spit or swallow.
The justice system of the Igbo was to have the egwugwu, the spirits of the ancestors, decide upon the righteous judgment of cases. Only cases that could not be settled otherwise would go to this final court. Judgement is not punitive, but based upon making things right for all parties. The egwugwu are represented by one man from each of the villages. Later the white men brought their own courts, but this was very punitive based. This system was corrupt, as bribes could buy judgment.
no, a president is only allowed to run for two terms.
Eating could be considered to be a detrimental activity, in some cases.
i can help and serve because i have the right to do it.
He couldn't decide what he wanted to eat. Did you decide which movie you want to watch?
Habeas Corpus ( It gave every prisoner the right to obtain a writ or document ordering that the prisoner has to be brought to a judge to specify the charges against the prisoner. The judge would decide whether the prisoner should be tires or set free. Because of this, a monarch could not put someone in jail simply for opposing the ruler and prisoner could not be held indefinitely without trial. )
You should not try to do this, in many cases certain species of newt are protected by law and if you interfere with them you could be committing a crime.
It could be decisive.