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A Corporation exists just as an artificial being which has certain rights bestowed by law.

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what agency relationship exists in a corporation?

What if a corporation has been dissolved administrativly?

Then it no longer exists.

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What is corporation in a sentence?

A corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners that is formed to conduct business activities, with ownership being held by shareholders who have limited liability for the company's debts and obligations.

Does Hindustan Development Corporation exists?

yes, it does. 1944 - The company was incorporated on 11th September, at Calcutta.

Is LaSalle Bank Corporation a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation?

No. LaSalle Bank as an entity no longer exists because it was merged with Bank of America on October 1, 2007.

Can a corporation own itself?

A corporation can own itself. There can be just one owner or there can may owners of the corporation.

Which New Deal measure still exists to insure money in banks?

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was and remains the New Deal program that exists to insure monies in US banks.

Do a scientific law explain why it exists?

No it does not because it just let you know that it exists.

Does A corporation exists on paper only?

No, a corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners that can enter contracts, sue and be sued, and more. While it is created through legal documents, it is a real entity that conducts business operations, generates revenue, and has obligations and responsibilities.

What are the basic meaning of corporate social responsibilities?

Although a corporation exists for the purpose of creating a profit for its shareholders, it is also recognized that a corporation can play a significant role in society, for good or for ill, and it has responsibilities to make society better, not worse, much like the responsibilities of the individual members of society. If a corporation makes a profit at the expense of harming the society in which it exists (for example, through highly toxic pollution) then it is not a good corporate citizen.

How do you contact corp?

The Liberty Corporation, a media company originally based in Greenville, South Carolina, was purchased in August 2005 by Raycom Media. The acquisition was completed in February 2006, and Liberty Corporation no longer exists.