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A lay witness is a character witness or other person who is called on to testify and is not considered an expert.

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Q: A character witness or other person called on to testify who is not considered an expert is called a?
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What is a rebuttal witness?

A Rebuttal witness is a witness who's testimony contradicts another witness. For example in a murder case the defence might call a character witness to provide evidence that the accused was a mild mannered nice guy. A rebuttal witness might be called by the prosecution to provide contradictory evidence of the accused's character and might testify that the person was violent, bad tempered or abusive. Experts are often called to testify for the prosecution and the defence will then often call other (rebuttal) experts who might have reached a different conclusion.

What is a sentence with the word testify?

This word has been recently used as a challenge to express sympathy; i.e, "Testify...".I have been called to testify in court as an expert witness.

How do you put the word witness in a sentence?

The witness was called to testify in court about what they had seen.

What is it called when a person is called to court to give evidence?

It is called being subpoenaed to court to testify as a witness.

How do you use the word 'testify' in a sentence to clearly show its meaning?

For example: "The witness was called upon to testify to the Court her relation to the accused".

Nonexpert withnesses who are called tp testify about a crime they observed are know as?

Lay witness

Can an informant testify if they have convictions for bad checks?

A prior conviction does not prohibit a person from testifying. Certain convictions may be used to challenge the credibility of a witness before the jury. Whether or not a witness is called to testify is the decision of the lead attorney who would call the witness.

What is it called when a witness gives evidence during the trial?

Are you asking about the word SUBPOENA? Or are you asking about telling a witness to, "take the stand" in order to testify?

Do you have to speak in front of everyone in the court?

If you are called upon to testify, you will have to speak from the witness stand in open court.

What is expert witness?

An expert witness is a person who has been specially educated, or has experience beyond the norm, that can be legally called as a witness to testify in a case involving the topic the witness specializes in. They must be a neutral party in the case.

What do you call a person who testifies under oath in court?

A person who testifies against you is often called a "perjurer" or "liar." (wink)AnswerThe opposing party's witnesses are generally called to testify against you. If you are being tried criminally, they are often called "State's witnesses."

What is court called when a witness is called by force for the accused?

When a witness is compelled to appear in court to testify on behalf of the accused, it is known as a subpoena. The witness may be required to provide evidence under oath and failure to comply with a subpoena can result in consequences such as contempt of court.