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In this situation the American president as chief executive vetoes a bill. Both houses of Congress can then vote to override the presidential veto by a 2/3rds majority. The president can also refuse to sign the law, and after 10-days it automatically becomes law.

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Q: A bill may become a law over the veto of the president by?
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Related questions

If the president has vetoed a bill when will become a law when the bill?

A veto bill doesn't become law unless congress overrides the veto. It takes 2/3 vote to override a veto.

What if the president forgets to veto a bill he does not want passed after ten days?

For the bill to become law, the President must sign the bill, or Congress must override his or her veto. So, if the President forgot about the bill, it would not become law.

What is it called when Congress passes a bill over president's veto?

override veto

Is a veto when the president sign a bill?

No, a veto is when the president returns a bill to Congress with his or her objections. It does not become law unless Congress votes by 2/3 majorities in both houses to override the President's veto.

What is a check that the president has over Congress?

The veto power of the President allows him to reject a bill proposed by the legislative branch of government. By refusing to sign it, the bill does not become a law.

Bill passed over a president's veto?


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If a president does not act on a bill within 10 days what happens?

If the Congress is still in session, the bill becomes a law after 10 days even if the President has not signed it or vetoed it. If the President vetoed the bill, Congress has to override the veto in order for it to become a law. If the President has not signed the bill within 10 days and the Congress is not in session, it does not become a law. This is called a "pocket veto."

How can you use the word'veto' in a sentence?

"The bill will not become law because the President will veto it."

Who vetos the president?

No one can "veto" the President, but the Congress can "over-ride' his veto by a 2/3 vote to pass a bill he vetoed.

Who is the president checking when he veto's a bill?

When the president is checking congress when he veto or reject a bill

How can congress pass a bill over the veto or the president?

To pass a bill over a presidential veto, Congress must achieve a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This level of support is needed to override the president's objection and enact the bill into law without their approval.