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Q: 2. One of the issues facing the early nation was how to interpret the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton said that the Constitution gave Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper. Which s?
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Which of the following does Congress not have the authority to do?

Interpret the Constitution in a court case

Who has the power to declare a law passed by Congress?

The Supreme Court has the authority to interpret the Constitution.

Should Congress have the power to interpret the Constitution?

The Supreme Court which is part of Judicial Branch

The job of the Court is to?

Interpret the laws passed by Congress and signed by the President and make sure that they are not in violation of the Constitution.

What part of the government makes necessary and proper laws?

Congress, "Necessary and proper" is straight for the Constitution.

How should the constitution be written to give power to congress?

Congress shall have the power to make all laws that are necessary

Which clause gives congress the ability to do what is necessary and proper?

the elastic clause of the constitution

What allows Congress to make laws necessary to carry out their duties?

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the US Constitution gives Congress authority to pass laws even though the power to pass that particular law is not expressly stated in the Constitution. ( Elastic Clause)

Who has the power to declare a law passed by congress unconstitutional?

The Supreme Court has the authority to interpret the Constitution.

Who argued that the Constitution did not specifically grant Congress the power to establish a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton

What majority in congress is required to introduce a constitutional amendment?

The Constitution states that 'The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution'.

What is the ability of congress to make all laws necessary and proper to uphold the constitution?

The Elastic Clause. A.K.A. The "necessary and proper" clause - Not all powers are listed in the Constitution. This clause allows Congress to make laws they need in order to carry out the listed powers. This clause allows Congress to "stretch" its powers.