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depends on state law that you live in...your parents have to go back to court if the dad doesn't agree to it

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Q: 16 can you choose to go live with your birth mom instead of your dad?
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My parents are divorced. How do I tell my dad I want to live with my mom?

If you want to live with your mom you can choose don't let your dad choose for you because he will not give you a choice he will tell you your living with me and that's that take it from me my mom and dad are divorces to its not nice.

My mom and dad are not divorced but my mom wont let me me live with my dad do i have and right to?

I'm not an expert or anything but you should be able to go move in with your dad, but in Texas you have to be over 12 to choose where you live. Your mom shouldn't be doing that YOU choose where YOU want to live as long as YOUR happy.:)

Can you choose to live with your grandparents instead of with you mom or dad?

I believe you can with the permission of your parents and the guardians taking you into custody, i may be wrong wiith this, it is best to check with the local law office

Can a 17 year old choose mom or dad?

In most states you have to be 18 to choose so it depends on where you live.

If you are 14 and live with your dad can you choose to live with your grandma?

Not without his approval, or the approval of the court, in every state.

Do mammals give birth to live babies that they care for when they are young?

Yes, of course mammals give birth to live babies that they care for when they are young! You are a mammal, and you're mom and dad care for you. And when you are a mom or a dad, you'llcare for you're kids.

If you live with your mom and you want to live with your dad what do you do?

Tell them how you feel. Unfortunately a child below 18 is not allowed to choose for themselves.

Can a 15-year-old choose to live with her mom or dad in South Carolina?

No, only if they allow her to.

Can a 16 year old in virgina choose to live with her mom if her dad has custidy?

see related links

How do you ask if your dad if you can live with him and not your mom?

You can say, "Dad, would it be possible for me to live with you instead of mom?" Be honest about your feelings and reasons for wanting to live with him. It's important to have an open and respectful conversation with both parents about your living arrangements.

What is the birth name of Dad Dager?

Dad Dager's birth name is Dad Cristina Dger Pieri.

Can 15 year old twins make the choice to live with dad if mom has custody?

No they can not choose until they are 18.