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Paralegal certification is a legal certification. You can get paralegal certification through complete the courses of this certification. Aim of this certification is to help the people. Paralegal give help to lawyers when they are preparing for corporate meetings.

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Q: What is paralegal certification and its uses?
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How can one earn their Paralegal Certification online?

To earn a Paralegal Certification online, you can enroll in an accredited online paralegal studies program. These programs typically offer courses in legal research, writing, ethics, and more. After completing the required coursework, you may need to pass a certification exam to become a certified paralegal.

What does a paralegal certification mean?

A paralegal is an office administrator(secretary) who specializes in law, and works for lawyers. It take about 2 years to obtain this certification. Contact your local college to find out more.

Where will paralegal certification take me in life?

Paralegal certification can prepare you for two things. One, becoming a paralegal, which is essentially a legal assistant. Someone who is trained to specifically aid lawyers and help them prepare cases for trials. Two, it is one path you can take on the road to becoming a lawyer.

Do paralegal certification college hours expire?

The expiration of paralegal certification college hours can vary depending on the program or certification authority. Some certifications may require continuing education to maintain active status, while others may not have an expiration date for completed college hours. It is recommended to check with the specific organization or program that issued the certification for their policies on this matter.

Can I get Paralegal Training online?

You can get Paralegal Training online. There many colleges and schools which offer paralegal training and certification course online. You can contact schools like 'The Center for Legal Studies, which offers 14 week online program.

Where can one find information on Paralegal Certification programs?

You can find information about Paralegal Certification programs in many places. One way to find information about this program is by looking on the internet. Another great way is to go to the library, and look for a book or magazine about this program.

Do any States in the US require licensing for a paralegal?

, California is currently the only state in the US that requires a paralegal to obtain a license. There are a few other states (about 7) that offer OPTIONAL certification. NJ is also currently looking at making paralegal licesing manditory.

What are some places that offer paralegal training online?

There are many online websites that offer training for becoming a paralegal. They are not cheap as they are priced 500 dollars and up. Sites offering paralegal training and certification include and

Are there any online schools that offer paralegal certification?

Yes there are. you can contact your local college to find out if they carry the paralegal certificaiton or contact a local laywer's office to see if they know of any.

What are the main uses for paralegal certificates?

Paralegal certificates enable someone to learn the necessary skills to be a paralegal assistant without going to college. They are cheaper and faster to obtain than a college degree.

Do I need to go to a paralegal school to become a paralegal?

While attending a paralegal school can be beneficial for gaining the necessary skills and knowledge, it is not always required to become a paralegal. You can also become a paralegal through on-the-job training, certification programs, or obtaining a degree in a related field. It ultimately depends on the requirements of the employer and the jurisdiction in which you plan to work.